WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/13/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

The three Ws are:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?


WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/13/19)


WWW Wednesday


What are you currently reading?

Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell is my current read. I received this arc through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, and I’m also part of the book tour. The goal is to finish this one today. I spent too much time on it already, not that it’s a bad story, but these past two weeks have been insane.


WWW Wednesday - Weekly Reading Update (3/6/19)



This week, I’m also beta reading for two friends now. I hope to get everything done soon. I feel like my reading is dragging and it annoys me.



What did you recently finish reading?

I haven’t finished anything new for the past two weeks. It’s annoying, and I feel ready to move on.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Dark Shores is still my next read because I still owe three reviews and will have to get through them this month for sure. Here they are if you are interested.


WWW Wednesday - Weekly Reading Update (3/6/19)



Once more, not much has changed this week. Life has been busy. What about you? Drop a comment and a link in the comments so that I can check your post out. 🙂


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