Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up – Sunday 4/7/2019

Happy Sunday! This is a weekly wrap up where I share with you a bit about my reading, a digest of my posts, and any updates when appropriate. I do take pleasure in blogging, so I hope that some of the posts will be helpful to you.

Blog Posts Digest

My Blog Posts

Blog shares of the week:

  • No share this week. 🙁 Sorry!


Wrap up

Dark Shores

by Danielle L. Jensen   

I’m hoping to wrap it up today or tomorrow. This week has been insane. I wish I had more time. This book can easily be a fast read because it’s such a great book so far–fast paced with a very interesting world. I’m only short on time.

Blog/Social Media Update

Instagram: 4K followers

I reached 4K last week on Instagram, and hosted a giveaway. I should announce the winner tomorrow. I’m also going to have another but US and Canada only, if anyone’s interested. Check out my instagram tomorrow for more info. Two signed copies of a recent YA Fantasy released book will be looking for new homes.

This was my week in a nutshell. How was your week? Anything you want to share? Anything you’re proud of? Let me know by writing a comment below. 🙂

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