weekly wrap up

Weekly Wrap Up – Sunday 3/10/2019

Happy Sunday! This is a weekly wrap up where I share with you a bit about my reading, a digest of my posts, and any updates when appropriate. I do take pleasure in blogging, so I hope that some of the posts will be helpful to you.


WEEKLY WRAP UP –  3/10/2019


weekly wrap up



Blog Posts Digest

Here is a list of the posts I published this week:


The share of the week:




My goal this weekend is to finish Sky Without Stars. I own a review soon, so this is my priority.


Wrap up



I also started CatWoman by Sarah J. Maas in audiobook. She is such great storyteller.

weekly wrap up




I’m excited because this week, something strange happened on my Bookstagram. It made my week. I reached over 1K likes on a picture. There was nothing particular that prompt this crazy amount of likes, but I though that was cool.

Here is the picture:





This was my week in a nutshell. How was your week? Anything you want to share? Anything you’re proud of? Let me know by writing a comment below. 🙂


Happy reading!


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