weekly wrap up

Weekly Wrap Up – Sunday 2/24/2019 (AND BOOK GIVEAWAY)

Happy Sunday! This is a weekly wrap up where I share with you a bit about my reading, a digest of my posts, and any updates when appropriate. I do take pleasure in blogging, so I hope that some of the posts will be helpful to you.


WEEKLY WRAP UP –  2/24/2019


weekly wrap up



Blog Posts Digest

Here is a list of the posts I published this week:





  • None this week – I read a few books, but I can’t post the review before another 3 weeks.


Book memes/discussions/Tours:


The share of the week:




I’m about to wrap up The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. I did not have time to read last night, so this is my goal for today.


weekly wrap up


I was approved for 3 arcs this week. So I will be starting either Dark Shares by Danielle Jensen or Sky without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell this weekend.


Wrap up Wrap up




Also, I’ll be running a giveaway today (US and Canada only due to shipping rates). Check out my Instagram for more info.


wrap up


The prize is a hardcopy of Amber and Dust by Lira Selene with a signed bookplate.






This was my week in a nutshell. How was your week? Anything you want to share? Anything you’re proud of? Let me know by writing a comment below. 🙂



Happy reading and Good Luck for the Giveaway!


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