Top Ten Tuesday: Places Mentioned In Books That I’d Like to Visit

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is Places Mentioned in Books that I’d Like to Visit. This topic was quite easy for me. I’ve always wanted to visit most of these places.



Places Mentioned in Books that

I’d Like to Visit


Places Mentioned in Books

Last week’s theme was Books that I loved with fewer than 2,000 ratings in Goodreads, and we are back this week to discuss Places mentioned in Books that I’d like to visit. There are so many places I’d love to visit, and unfortunately, no plane, boat, or luck will get me there (or only a couple of places). I wished I had magic because that would have helped.


**** Click on the picture to access the book’s Goodreads profile page****


Eight places mentioned in books I’d love to visit.

Velaris – A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

I’m slightly obsessed with this place. Everything in her books made me fall in love with the city and its people.


places mentioned in books

Hogwarts – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone by J.K. Rowling

This place is a must. I couldn’t have a list of mystical places without mentioning Hogwarts. I guess I could always go to Universal Studio, but it’s not the same.


places mentioned in books


Elfhame – The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

I’ve always loved Faeries, and visiting this place would be such an experience. Your world is titled upside down. I would love it!


places mentioned in books


Cabeswater (Henrietta, VA) – The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

After finishing this series, I definitely would love a tour of Cabeswater. I think it would be both amazing and terrifying. I’m not sure I would be as brave as Blue and the Raven boys.


places mentioned in books


Rifthold – Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

This author is so good at creating amazing worlds. I would love to visit the Glass Castle in Rifthold and navigate through the secret passages.


places mentioned in books



Newt’s basement or suitcase – Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is another author who is amazing at building amazing worlds. I could get lost in them and never want to return.


places mentioned in books



Winterfell – A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

Here is another master of world building. I would love to visit Winterfell and can’t wait for both the next book and the new season on TV. I love this world. Winter is Coming! (well, it’s ending for me, and I’m particularly happy about it!)


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Wonderland – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

I’d love to have a tea party with the mad hatter. This has always been a dream of mine.


places mentioned in books




Two Places mentioned in Books I’d love to visit and will…


Salem – How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather 

This place is one of the places on my bucket list. I want to visit Salem badly. The history and the supernatural are two things that draw me to this city. One day… One day…


places mentioned in books


Hobbiton – The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Same here for this place. Though, this place is the one place I still can visit even though there will be no Hobbits there.


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What would be your dream place to visit (real or not)? Let me know by dropping a line in the comment.



If you are doing this meme, don’t hesitate to comment with your link. I’ll be more than happy to read it 🙂 I’m also doing another book challenge if you’re interested. Check it out! It’s called Pages Read 2019.


Happy Reading!



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