Top 3 YA releases July 2019

Top 3 YA Releases – July 2019

Top 3 YA releases July 2019

Hello everyone, just like last month, July sounds like another great month for YA readers. I simply wanted to feature a few of my favorites. Check them out and let me know which one you would want to read.

Top 3 YA Releases – July 2019

The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen

Top 3 YA releases July 2019

A future chieftain

Fie abides by one rule: look after your own. Her Crow caste of undertakers and mercy-killers takes more abuse than coin, but when they’re called to collect royal dead, she’s hoping they’ll find the payout of a lifetime.

A fugitive prince

When Crown Prince Jasimir turns out to have faked his death, Fie’s ready to cut her losses—and perhaps his throat. But he offers a wager that she can’t refuse: protect him from a ruthless queen, and he’ll protect the Crows when he reigns.

A too-cunning bodyguard

Hawk warrior Tavin has always put Jas’s life before his, magically assuming the prince’s appearance and shadowing his every step. But what happens when Tavin begins to want something to call his own?

  • Author: Margaret Owen
  • Publisher: Henry Holt
  • Publication Date: July 30, 2019
  • Book Length: 384 pages (Hardcover)
  • Genre: Fantasy

The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson

Top 3 YA releases July 2019

In the tropical kingdom of Rhodaire, magical, elemental Crows are part of every aspect of life…until the Illucian empire invades, destroying everything.

That terrible night has thrown Princess Anthia into a deep depression. Her sister Caliza is busy running the kingdom after their mother’s death, but all Thia can do is think of all she has lost.

But when Caliza is forced to agree to a marriage between Thia and the crown prince of Illucia, Thia is finally spurred into action. And after stumbling upon a hidden Crow egg in the rubble of a rookery, she and her sister devise a dangerous plan to hatch the egg in secret and get back what was taken from them.

  • Author: Kalyn Josephson
  • Publisher: SourceBooksFire
  • Publication Date: July 9, 2019
  • Book Length: 352 pages (Hardcover)
  • Genre: Fantasy

Spin The Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

Top 3 YA releases July 2019

Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping YA fantasy about a young girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Maia Tamarin dreams of becoming the greatest tailor in the land, but as a girl, the best she can hope for is to marry well. When a royal messenger summons her ailing father, once a tailor of renown, to court, Maia poses as a boy and takes his place. She knows her life is forfeit if her secret is discovered, but she’ll take that risk to achieve her dream and save her family from ruin. There’s just one catch: Maia is one of twelve tailors vying for the job.

Backstabbing and lies run rampant as the tailors compete in challenges to prove their artistry and skill. Maia’s task is further complicated when she draws the attention of the court magician, Edan, whose piercing eyes seem to see straight through her disguise.

And nothing could have prepared her for the final challenge: to sew three magic gowns for the emperor’s reluctant bride-to-be, from the laughter of the sun, the tears of the moon, and the blood of stars. With this impossible task before her, she embarks on a journey to the far reaches of the kingdom, seeking the sun, the moon, and the stars, and finding more than she ever could have imagined.

  • Author: Elizabeth Lim
  • Publisher: Alfred A. knopf
  • Publication Date: July 9, 2019
  • Book Length: 416 pages (Hardcover)
  • Genre: Fantasy

Top 3 YA releases July 2019

What is your most anticipated release in July? I’m excited to read all these books. The Merciful Crow will be one I’ll read very soon because I was lucky enough to get a beautiful physical arc of this book. I really wanted to read it, so that made my day!

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6 thoughts on “Top 3 YA Releases – July 2019”

  1. I have already read Spin the Dawn and The Merciful Crow, where Spin the Dawn was a 3 star read for me and I had a lot of mixed feelings, The Merciful Crow was a 5 star. The Merciful Crow is probably one of my all time favorite reads of this year and I can’t wait for it to be released so I can hear everyone else’s thoughts because I LOVED it. I am planning on reading The Storm Crow before publication as well. I hope I enjoy it!!

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