Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week. Â This week’s topic is Things that make me pick up a book.
Last week’s theme was 10 Amazing Audiobooks with amazing narrators, and we are back this week to discuss things that make me pick up a book.
Book Cover
Ok, Let’s be honest here. Like many of you, I indeed judge a book by its cover. Yeah, I know! While I need more than the cover to convince me to read it, my first instinct will be to go for the book with a cover that appeals to me.
The Book Blurb/Genre/Theme
Basically, if the book is displayed in a section (genre) I enjoyed reading, it already has half my attention. If the book cover did not win me over, the blurb might.
There are certain themes/storylines that will speak to me (i.e. witchcraft, paranormal, badass protagonists, romance, magical creatures, magic, quest…). I will tend to go for these books. The stakes are important. The higher the stakes are in the book, the more interested I am.
Some tropes will get me to read a story too (i.e. Enemy-to-lover stories, forbidden romance…)
If I’m half convinced about a book, a sale might make me buy it. If I end up disliking the book, I won’t be disappointed if the price was low. I may also love a book, but if the book is too expensive, I won’t buy it.
I do get curious if I see great ratings on Goodreads and/or I hear individuals who I know enjoy the same books as me rave about a specific book. I will tend to favor this book.
The Author
There are now authors that I have on auto-buy like Kasie West or Sarah J. Maas. I know that I will enjoy the story whatever it is.
If you are doing this meme, don’t hesitate to comment with your link. I’ll be more than happy to read it 🙂 I’m also doing another book challenge if you’re interested. Check it out! It’s called Pages Read 2019.
Happy Reading!
I think a lot of people forget the factor that price plays for people who read a lot! If I paid full price for every book I read in a year, I’d be out of house and home. xD I will always pre-order books I know I’ll love from authors I follow, but for most other things, I’ll wait for a Kindle sale or something, because if I end up not liking it, as you said, I’m only out a couple bucks. The blurb is a huge win for me, too! If it sounds too straightforward or doesn’t catch my attention, I’m much less likely to read something, unless it’s been recommended.
Here’s my TTT post.
Yes, it’s so important. I would be broke if I bought everything full price.
Definitely the author! That’s the biggest one for me 🙂
I love when you can trust an author enough to make you read about anything:)
I pick up a lot of books based on the cover too! I’ll always check out new books by authors I’ve enjoyed in the past. But if the blurb doesn’t interest me I probably won’t try it, even if it’s by an author I love.
The blurb is very important for sure. When in doubt, I usually check Goodreads. It helps make a decision.
Great reviews can definitely make all the difference in the world.
My post:
I totally agree!
Yes! The price is really important. I’m more willing to try a book I’m not sure of if it isn’t that expensive.
Exactly! It’s an important part for me