Tag Archives: YA thriller

Guest Post by Jon McGoran, author of Spiked + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Spiked by Jon McGoran banner

Spiked, written by Jon McGoran, is the third book in the Spliced series. This young adult Sci-fi/dystopian novel will be released on Tuesday, May 5, 2020.

Today, I’m excited to host a post by Jon McGoran where he tells us about writing in these trying times. At the end of this post, there is also a US giveaway.

Thank you so much, Jon McGoran and Michelle @ the FFBC tours, for having me on this tour.

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Guest Post – Diana Urban, author of All your Twisted Secrets + Book Excerpt + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban banner

All Your Twisted Secrets, written by Diana Urban, is a young adult contemporary thriller/mystery novel that was released on March 17, 2020. Published by HarperTeen, this novel will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Bonus: US Giveaway and Book Excerpt inside! 🙂

This amazing tour is hosted by The FFBC Tours. Thank you to the publisher for the free copy of the book!

Continue reading Guest Post – Diana Urban, author of All your Twisted Secrets + Book Excerpt + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Book Excerpt – Foul Is Fair by Hannah Capin – Blog Tour – St Martins Press/Wednesday Books

Today, I’m excited to open Wednesdays books’s blog tour for this new contemporary novel, Foul Is Fair written by Hannah Capin. This YA crime novel is published by Wednesday Books, an imprint of St. Martin’s Press and will be on sale soon, February 18, 2020.

Learn more about the book and start reading today with the book excerpt.

Continue reading Book Excerpt – Foul Is Fair by Hannah Capin – Blog Tour – St Martins Press/Wednesday Books

Interview: Maureen Johnson, Author of The Hand on the Wall (Truly Devious #3) + US Giveaway- FFBC Tours

The Hand on the wall by Maureen Johnson banner

Today, I’m thrilled to host this Q&A with the author of The Hand on the Wall (the third book in the Truly Devious series). Maureen Johnson answers a few questions about her writing and her creative process. Released on January 21, 2020, this book is published by Harper Collins and this Q&A is part of her Blog Tour hosted by FFBC Tour.

Now, let me introduce you to Maureen Johnson.

Continue reading Interview: Maureen Johnson, Author of The Hand on the Wall (Truly Devious #3) + US Giveaway- FFBC Tours

SPOTLIGHT – Day Zero by Kelly DeVos + Book Excerpt – Harlequin Book Tour

Day Zero Blog Tour

Day zero, written by Kelly DeVos is a young adult thriller/suspense novel. This novel is the first book in the duology published by Inkyard Press and was released on November 12, 2019. 

Thank you Harlequin/Inkyard Press for generously providing a copy of this amazing book! Learn more about this book and read an excerpt.

Continue reading SPOTLIGHT – Day Zero by Kelly DeVos + Book Excerpt – Harlequin Book Tour

December Reading Challenge

I’ve said it before: this year is out of control. How are we already in December? I have no control over time, but I can control what I do with what’s left of it. As you may know, I love pushing myself, and this month, I’ve decided to challenge myself through reading goals. Each year, we begin the new year with new resolutions. Let’s face it—I’ve never stuck with them. So instead, I decided I would end the year with a reading challenge.

Maybe it’ll change my mindset.

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