Crave, written by Tracy Wolff, is a thrilling young adult fantasy that hit the shelves yesterday, April 7, 2020 and is published by Entangled Teen. After losing her parents, Grace must go live in the boarding school in Alaska with her uncle who is the headmaster. But nothing there is as it seems…
Thank you so much, Entangled Teen and the author, for the gifted print copy! I devoured this book. The book review expressed my own opinion and this tour is hosted by the FFBC Tours.
Cover Reveal Alert, everyone, and Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Today I’m excited to participate in the cover reveal of The Afterlife of the Party by Marlene Perez, a YA Paranormal. The bestselling author of the Dead Is series is back with a snarky, hilarious take on the vampire romance novel. Out on July 7th, 2020, don’t miss out on this beauty from Entangled Teen!
Check below the cute cover and make sure to add this book to your TBR!! Tour hosted by MTMC