Tag Archives: YA Dystopian

Cold The Night, Fast The Wolves by Meg Long – Wednesday Books

Cold The Night, Fast The Wolves by Meg Long banner

Today, I’m so very excited to review Cold The Night, Fast The Wolves by Meg Long. Published by Wednesday Books, this little YA SciFi gem will be released on January 11, 2022. This is an action packed with I’ve rarely read before. Hold on tight, this book is quite the ride.

Thank you so much, Wednesday Books, for sending me this e-arc. This review is unbiased and entirely my own.

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Interview: Meet Jenna Greene, Author of Reborn (YA Dystopian)

Reborn Jenna Greene Banner

Today, I’m excited to host this Q&A with the author of Reborn, a YA Fantasy novel. In this post, Jenna Greene is answering a few questions about her writing, the book, and her creative process.

Now, let me introduce you to Jenna Greene.

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YallWest – Have you ever seen Angie Thomas rap? Watch it here!

Last weekend, I volunteered at YallWest, a book festival for kids and teens held every year at the Santa Monica High School. This event is such a fantastic opportunity to meet Young Adult (YA) authors, attend various talks, and get your books signed.

As for teens, it’s also an opportunity to learn more about creative writing, publication, and enter contests. I wanted to share a highlight with you…


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February 2019 Book Haul – Part 2 (ARCs approved through NetGalley)

Last week, I shared with you all the books I purchased, but this is is my February 2019 Book Haul post for the arcs I was approved to read last month. Too many great deals and arcs… So this post is part two – Arcs approved through NetGalley.

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February 2019 Book Haul – Part 1 (books purchased)

Another month went by way too fast. I was a little sick, but it was better than last month for sure. So, this is my February 2019 Book Haul post. This month took me by surprise. Too many great deals and arcs… So I decided to break this post in two – Books purchased and Arcs. This post is about the books I purchased.

Continue reading February 2019 Book Haul – Part 1 (books purchased)

January 2019 Book Haul

As you may know, January was a slow month for me as far as reading goes. I was sick for most of the month, but it did not stop me from buying some amazing books. So, this is my January 2019 Book Haul post. I’ve been reasonable this month in comparison with December simply because my goal this year is to bring my TBR down a bit, starting with the books that I already own.

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Arc Review – The Rule of Many (Book #2) by Ashley and Leslie Saunders

The Rule of Many is the second installment in The Rule of One series written by Ashley and Leslie Saunders. When I reviewed the first book for my blog, I wrote that I truly enjoyed reading it. So naturally, I requested the second book that picks up a few weeks after book 1. This novel doesn’t disappoint. It presents a great dystopian story. Let me tell you why…
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