Tag Archives: YA contemporary

Under The Milky Way by Vanessa Barneveld – Chapter by Chapter Tour

Under The Milky Way is now out! Happy publication day to Vanessa Barneveld. Check out this post and start reading now with the excerpt.

Thank you Chapter by Chapter and Entangled Teen for having me!

Under The Milky Way – Synopsis

Under the milky way

Under the Milky Way by Vanessa Barneveld

Publication Date: August 10, 2021

Publisher: Entangled Teen

Nothing ever happens in Dawson, Colorado.

Until high school senior Cassidy Roekiem’s mom checks into a “wellness center,” but nothing is wrong with her.

Then people start seeing lights in the sky and missing chunks of time, but the town insists nothing is going on.

And now Hayden, the new boy at school who keeps to himself and is more than a little mysterious, starts to notice her like it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, “nothing” is starting to feel a whole lot like something. And everything leads back to Hayden. The boy she’s starting to fall for. The boy with too many dark secrets for his kind heart. The boy she’s pretty sure isn’t human…


In this excerpt, here’s your first look at the stars of UNDER THE MILKY WAY, Cassidy and the mysterious newcomer Hayden…



“Cassidy Roekiem! Earth to Cassidy Roekiem!”


I jolt awake at the mangled sound of my last name…and laughter. For the record, it’s ROO-keem, not Ro-ECKY-em. The weight of twenty pairs of eyes burns into the back of my head. Damn. I’d fallen asleep in class. Again. A puddle of saliva marks the spot where my head had rested. I wipe it with my sleeve, and snatches of the dream I was in the middle of fade into oblivion.


It’s not so much the public drooling that’s freaking me out. For the past few months, my habit of falling asleep whenever, wherever, has gotten worse. A spontaneous snooze during class is bad enough. But what if it happens while I’m driving on the freeway? My parents took me to a sleep clinic a few years back, but the doctors there couldn’t find anything physically wrong with me. According to them, the best cure is to get more zzz’s. Maybe just not in class.


My sharp-nosed biology teacher, Ms. Walters, continues. “Since you were here in body but not in spirit for the past ten minutes, you are cordially required to join me today at 3:15 for detention.”


What kind of sadist gives out that kind of punishment on a Friday? Doesn’t she have something better to do? I open my mouth to protest, to tell her I have urgent business to take care of after school. But an audible yawn comes out instead.


Ms. Walters rolls her eyes. I sit up straighter and try to pay attention to her lecture on panspermia.


“Now,” she drones on, “the theory of bacteria being distributed across the universe on dust particles and evolving into complex alien life-forms is an exciting one.”


Somebody behind me pipes up enthusiastically. “Are you saying there are real E.T.’s out there?”


“Tony, when I say, ‘complex alien life-forms,’ I’m not talking about little beings with big eyes and glowing fingers. No, I mean bacteria and…”


Tony clicks his tongue in disappointment.


My mind drifts once more to anything but free-floating bacteria. The new kid in the seat beside me, Hayden McSomething, is playing with his phone, making the screen flash on and off. Out of the corner of my eye, I spy Hayden’s jean-clad right leg sliding toward my chair, inch by inch. His seat squeaks as he quickly folds his leg back to its original position. I can’t blame him for feeling restless.


I’m not sure what his issue is with this period, but I am more than ready to ditch my classes. I have Important Things to do for Mom. Even exploring the mysteries of the universe seems trivial in comparison.


White light persistently blips from Hayden’s phone. It’s annoying as hell. My head thumps to the beat—blip, blip, blip. Rubbing my temples, I sneak a sideways look at him, but he’s not watching the teacher or his phone. He’s staring at me.


Is he signaling me?


One (1) winner will win a $15 Amazon gift card

Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/c08c9e8e784/?

Link to purchase

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0871BL1NQ?tag=entangpublis-20&name=Under%20the%20Milky%20Way

Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/9781682815823?name=Under%20the%20Milky%20Way

ITunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9781682815823?name=Under%20the%20Milky%20Way

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/search?Query=9781682815823&name=Under%20the%20Milky%20Way

Link to Tour Schedule:


About the author:

Australian Vanessa Barneveld lives in a 19th-century house in inner-city Sydney with a 21st-century husband, two eccentric cats and one ghost—all of whom provide inspiration for her spirited novels. In addition to her writing career, she’s part of a crack team that produces closed captions for deaf TV viewers and audio descriptions for the blind. An avid traveler, she enjoys the journeys almost as much as the destinations. She freely admits to being food motivated and will stop at nothing to find the perfect hot chips wherever she roams around the world.

Website | Twitter | Facebook

A Typical Writing day by Angie BarretT – Chapter by Chapter Blog Tour

Love Spells and Other Disasters banner

Today, I’m excited to share this guest post with you. To celebrate her new novel, Angie Barrett, author of Love Spells and Other Disasters, talks about what a typical writing day looks like for her. His YA contemporary novel hit the shelves on February 1, 2021 and is published by Entangled Teen.

Thank you so much, Chapter by Chapter, for having me on this tour.

Continue reading A Typical Writing day by Angie BarretT – Chapter by Chapter Blog Tour

Unchosen by Katharyn Blair – Katherine Tegen/MBC

Unchosen by Katharyn Blair banner

Today, I’m excited to feature Unchosen by Katharyn Blair. Fans of Seafire and The Fifth Wave, the thrilling adventure is out today and published by Katherine Tegen/HarperCollins.

Thank you so much, MB Communications, for gifting me an e-copy of this book.

Continue reading Unchosen by Katharyn Blair – Katherine Tegen/MBC

Book Review: You Have A Match by Emma Lord – Wednesday books

You Have A Match by Emma Lord Book Review L.M. Durand

Today, I’m excited to review this charming young adult contemporary novel. You Have A Match, written by Emma Lord, is set to be released on January 12, 2021 and published by Wednesday Books.

Thank you so much, NetGalley and Wednesday Books, for the gifted e-copy. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Continue reading Book Review: You Have A Match by Emma Lord – Wednesday books

Book Review: More Than Maybe by Erin Hahn + Book Excerpt – Wednesday Books

More Than Maybe, written by Erin Hahn, is a young adult contemporary novel (romance) that is out in the world today, July 21, 2020. Published by Wednesday Books, this YA romance is a slow burn that will melt your heart, make you laugh, and give you a healthy dose of music.

Check out my review below. Also, a little excerpt for you inside. Thank you so much, Wednesday Books, for gifting me an e-copy of this book. All opinions expressed below are my own.

Continue reading Book Review: More Than Maybe by Erin Hahn + Book Excerpt – Wednesday Books

Q&A: Taylor Hale, author of The Summer I drowned

The Summer I drowned by taylor Hale banner Q&A

The Summer I drowned, written by Taylor Hale, is a young adult contemporary novel. The book was released on July 7, 2020 and is published by Wattpad books. Today, I’m excited to share with you this Q&A. Taylor Hale discusses Mental Health and writing a multi-genre novel.

Thank you so much, Smith Publicity and Wattpad Books, for having me on this tour and for the gifted e-copy.

Continue reading Q&A: Taylor Hale, author of The Summer I drowned

Book Review: Mayhem by Estelle Laure + Book Excerpt – Wednesday Books

Mayhem, written by Estelle Laure, is a young adult contemporary novel (urban fantasy) that is set to be released on July 14, 2020. Published by Wednesday Books, this YA feminist novel is a The Lost Boys meets Wilders Girls.

Check out my review below. Also, a little excerpt for you inside. Thank you so much, Wednesday Books, for gifting me an e-copy of this book. All opinions expressed below are my own.

Continue reading Book Review: Mayhem by Estelle Laure + Book Excerpt – Wednesday Books

Accidental by Alex Richards + Official Dream Cast – Bloomsbury Blog Tour

Happy Publication Day to Alex Richards!

Accidental, written by Alex Richards, is a contemporary novel published by Bloomsbury. This beautiful novel is now out in the world and I’m thrilled to share with you the Official Dream Cast by the author herself.

Learn more about this book. Thank you so much, Bloomsbury, for having me in this tour, and huge thank you to Alex Richards for sharing her dream cast.

Continue reading Accidental by Alex Richards + Official Dream Cast – Bloomsbury Blog Tour

Guest Post by Sarah Anderson, author of Aix Marks The Spot + IG Intl Giveaway – MTMC

Hi everyone! Today I’m excited to participate in the bookstagram & creative blog tour for Aix Marks the Spot by Sarah Anderson organized by MTMC Tours! I absolutely adored this book and so excited to share this guest post today.

Sent to live with her estranged grandmother in Provence, 16yo Jamie finds her parents’ old love letters – and clues to a secret treasure hunt that could save her family after the accident that tore them apart. This YA Contemporary Travel Romance releases on June 16th, 2020 from Seabreeze Books!

Continue reading Guest Post by Sarah Anderson, author of Aix Marks The Spot + IG Intl Giveaway – MTMC

Guest Post: Morgan Shamy, Author of The Redpoint Crux + Int. Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Today, I’m thrilled to host this post written by the author of The Redpoint Crux, Morgan Shamy.

Her young adult contemporary/mystery novel will be released on June 9th, 2020 and is published by The Parliament House. This post is part of her Blog Tour hosted by FFBC Tour.

Now, let me introduce you to Morgan Shamy, and don’t forget to enter the international giveaway for a chance to win an Amazon gift card!

Continue reading Guest Post: Morgan Shamy, Author of The Redpoint Crux + Int. Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Guest Post: Sara Fujimura, Author of Every Reason We Shouldn’t + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Every Reason We Shouldn't by Sara Fujimura banner

Today, I’m thrilled to host this post written by the author of Every Reason We Shouldn’t, Sara Fujimura.

Her young adult contemporary romance novel was released on March 3, 2020 and is published by Tor Teen. This post is part of her Blog Tour hosted by FFBC Tour.

Now, let me introduce you to Sara Fujimura, and don’t forget to enter the US giveaway for a chance to win your very own copy! A book excerpt is also available.

Continue reading Guest Post: Sara Fujimura, Author of Every Reason We Shouldn’t + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Book Review: By The Book by Amanda Sellet + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

By The Book, written by Amanda Sellet, is a sweet young adult contemporary romance that will be released on May 12, 2020. This story is published by HMH for young readers.

Thank you so much, HMH, NetGalley, and Patricia @ FFBC tours, for the gifted e-copy! The book review expressed my own opinion.

Continue reading Book Review: By The Book by Amanda Sellet + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

We didn’t Ask For This by Adi Alsaid + Book Excerpt – Inkyard Tour

We Didn't Ask For This by Adi Alsaid banner

At the beginning of the last week, I was lucky to do a Q&A with Julie Kagawa and then, to feature Music from another World by Robin Falley. Today, I’m back with a Q&A with Adi Alsaid. We didn’t ask for this hit the shelves on April 7, 2020 and is published by Inkyard.

This Q&A is part of the Harlequin/Inkyard Blog Tour. Thank you so much for gifting me an e-copy!

Continue reading We didn’t Ask For This by Adi Alsaid + Book Excerpt – Inkyard Tour

Guest Post – Diana Urban, author of All your Twisted Secrets + Book Excerpt + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban banner

All Your Twisted Secrets, written by Diana Urban, is a young adult contemporary thriller/mystery novel that was released on March 17, 2020. Published by HarperTeen, this novel will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Bonus: US Giveaway and Book Excerpt inside! 🙂

This amazing tour is hosted by The FFBC Tours. Thank you to the publisher for the free copy of the book!

Continue reading Guest Post – Diana Urban, author of All your Twisted Secrets + Book Excerpt + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Guest Post – Sara Hosey, Author of Iphigenia Murphy + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Iphigenia Murphy by Sara Hosey banner

Iphigenia Murphy is a young adult contemporary novel that will hit the shelves next Tuesday, March 10, 2020. To celebrate the upcoming release of her novel, Sara Hosey gives us a wonderful take on setting yourself up for success. Whether you’re a writer or not, this advice is all about making the right choices to be productive and move forward. Bonus – US Giveaway inside 🙂

This amazing tour is hosted by The FFBC Tours.

Continue reading Guest Post – Sara Hosey, Author of Iphigenia Murphy + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Guest Post – Micah Good, Author of The Opposite Of Falling Apart + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

The Opposite of Falling Apart by Micah Good banner

The Opposite of Falling Apart was read by over 2.1 million readers on Wattpad! Today, I’m honored to host this guest post where the author, Micah Good, will share with us five big moments in the making of this book. The cherry on top? You get to enter my individual US giveaway on Instagram for a chance to win a copy for yourself.

This amazing tour is hosted by The FFBC Tours.

Continue reading Guest Post – Micah Good, Author of The Opposite Of Falling Apart + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Cover Reveal – The Afterlife Of The Party by Marlene Perez – MTMC Tours

The Afterlife of the Party by Marlene Perez banner

Cover Reveal Alert, everyone, and Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Today I’m excited to participate in the cover reveal of The Afterlife of the Party by Marlene Perez, a YA Paranormal. The bestselling author of the Dead Is series is back with a snarky, hilarious take on the vampire romance novel. Out on July 7th, 2020, don’t miss out on this beauty from Entangled Teen!

Check below the cute cover and make sure to add this book to your TBR!! Tour hosted by MTMC

Continue reading Cover Reveal – The Afterlife Of The Party by Marlene Perez – MTMC Tours

Guest Post – Catherine Linka, Author of What I Want You To See + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

WHAT I WANT YOU TO SEE by Catherine Linka banner

What I Want You To See, written by Catherine Linka, is a delightful young adult contemporary published by Disney-Hyperion. The novel will be out in the world on February 4, 2020.

Thank you, Disney and FFBC Tours, for having me on this tour.

Continue reading Guest Post – Catherine Linka, Author of What I Want You To See + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

SPOTLIGHT – Don't Read The Comments By Eric Smith + Book Excerpt – Harlequin/Inkyard Press Book Tour

Don't Read the Comments by Eric Smith banner

Happy Publication Day to Eric Smith!

After Day Zero, here is the next wonderful Young Adult book in the Harlequin Winter Books saga. Today, I’m featuring Don’t Read The Comments by Eric Smith, a Slay meets Eliza and her Monsters. This young adult novel is published by Inkyard Press and is out in the world today. 

Thank you, Inkyard Press, for including me in this tour!

Continue reading SPOTLIGHT – Don't Read The Comments By Eric Smith + Book Excerpt – Harlequin/Inkyard Press Book Tour

Interview: Jennie Downham, Author of Furious Things – FFBC Tours

After a spotlight a few days ago, I’m excited to host this Q&A with the author of Furious Thing. Jennie Downham answers a few questions in today’s post about her writing and her newly released YA Contemporary novel. This book is published by David Fickling Books and this Q&A is part of her Blog Tour hosted by FFBC Tour.

Now, let me introduce you to Jennie Downham.

Continue reading Interview: Jennie Downham, Author of Furious Things – FFBC Tours

Spotlight: Furious Things By Jenny Downham (+ US Giveaway) – FFBC Tours

In today’s post, I wanted to feature this amazing newly released YA Contemporary novel, Furious Thing. This YA contemporary is published by David Fickling Books. This feature is part of her Blog Tour hosted by FFBC Tour.

Continue reading Spotlight: Furious Things By Jenny Downham (+ US Giveaway) – FFBC Tours

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals – YA Book of the Month

Today, YA Book Of The Month has a special offer out. YOUR FIRST BOX FOR ONLY $5… AND/OR GET $10 off a 6 or 12-MONTH GIFT. These offers are valid through December 31st.

Yes, you heard/read well. 🙂 This is a great way to try it out. Check inside for code and link.

Don’t miss out, this offer is only valid until 12/31/2019.

Continue reading Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals – YA Book of the Month

Get your first box for only $5.00 – December Books available NOW – YA Book of the Month

December YA Book Of the Month

Today, YA Book Of The Month has a special offer out. YOUR FIRST BOX FOR ONLY $5… Yes you heard/read well. 🙂 Only $5 for an amazing book, a great way to try it out. Check inside for code and link.

Don’t miss out, this offer is only valid until 11/28/2019.

Continue reading Get your first box for only $5.00 – December Books available NOW – YA Book of the Month

Interview: Miranda Asebedo, Author of A Constellation of Roses (+ Book Excerpt + INT Giveaway) – FFBC Tours

A Constellation of Roses Tour Banner

Miranda Asebedo answers a few questions in today’s post about her writing and her newly released YA Contemporary novel, A Constellation of Roses. This YA contemporary beauty is now out in the world and is published by HarperTeen. This Q&A is part of her Blog Tour hosted by FFBC Tour.

Learn more about the book, read the first book and enter this international giveaway for a chance to win your finished copy below. Now, let me introduce you to Miranda Asebedo.

Continue reading Interview: Miranda Asebedo, Author of A Constellation of Roses (+ Book Excerpt + INT Giveaway) – FFBC Tours

Book Review – Throw Like A Girl by Sarah Henning

Throw like a girl banner

Throw Like A Girl, written by Sarah Henning, is a swooning young adult romance published by Little, Brown Company. This is officially my third review for this author and I thoroughly enjoyed reading each one of her books. Sea Witch and Sea Witch Rising were both young adult fantasy novels, so I was curious about this switch to a contemporary romance. 

The author did not let me down.

Thank you The Novl for gifting me an advanced copy of this book!

Continue reading Book Review – Throw Like A Girl by Sarah Henning

Book Review – By Any Means Necessary by Candice Montgomery + Dream Cast + Giveaway – FFBC Tours

By any means necessary

By Any Means Necessary is a young adult contemporary (LGBT) novel written by Candice Montgomery. The book is set to be published on October 8, 2019. 

I want to thank the publisher and FFBC Tours for generously providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

Continue reading Book Review – By Any Means Necessary by Candice Montgomery + Dream Cast + Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Interview: Laura taylor Namey, Author of The Library of Lost Things (+ Giveaway) – FFBC Tours

The Library of Lost Things

Today, I’m asking Laura Taylor Namey a few questions about her writing process and her new book, The Library of Lost things. This Q&A is part of her the Blog Tour hosted by FFBC Tour. This book hit the shelves yesterday (October 8, 2019) and is published by Inkyard Press.

Learn more about the book and check out the giveaway below. Now, let me (re)introduce you to Laura Taylor Namey and let’s hear what she has to say about her newest book.

Continue reading Interview: Laura taylor Namey, Author of The Library of Lost Things (+ Giveaway) – FFBC Tours

Cover Reveal – Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman – MTMC Tours


Hi everyone! Today I’m excited to participate in the cover reveal of ADORKABLE by Cookie O’Gorman! This YA Contemporary novel will be released in print for the FIRST TIME on December 3rd, 2019 from Entangled Teen!

Check below the cute cover (illustrated by Elizabeth Turner Stokes) and make sure to add this book to your TBR because it’s such a fun romance read about pretend dating!!

Continue reading Cover Reveal – Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman – MTMC Tours

Get your first box for only $5.00 – Limited time offer inside – YA Book of the Month

YALIT offer YA Book Of the Month

Today, YA Book Of The Month has a special offer out. YOUR FIRST BOX FOR ONLY $5… Yes you heard/read well. 🙂 Only $5 for an amazing book, a great way to try it out. Check inside for code and link.

Don’t miss out, this offer is only valid until 9/30/2019.

Continue reading Get your first box for only $5.00 – Limited time offer inside – YA Book of the Month

Book Tour – Six Goodbyes We Never Said by Candace Granger – Wednesday Books

Book Excerpt Six goodbyes We never Said

Six Goodbyes We Never Said, written by Candace Granger, will hit the shelves on September 24, 2019. This eye-opening young adult contemporary, published by Wednesday Books, engages in serious topics such as mental health and loss/PTSD.

I’m excited to be partnering with Wednesday Books in this book blog tour and share with you a book excerpt. More on this below.

Continue reading Book Tour – Six Goodbyes We Never Said by Candace Granger – Wednesday Books

YA Book of the Month – september 2019

YA Book Of the Month September 2019

September sneaked up on me this year, but it also brought quite a new good books in the mix. I’m excited to showcase my new September 2019 YA Book of the Month selection. Most of you may already know may have already guess which book I picked.

Check out this post – offer inside for you!

Continue reading YA Book of the Month – september 2019

Spotlight – All The Bad Apples by Moïra Fowley-Doyle + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

All The Bad Apples

All the Bad Apples, written by Moïra Fowley-Doyle, was released on August 1, 2019. This fantastic young adult contemporary/mystery novel is published by Penguin. I’m excited to be part of this blog tour hosted by FFBC Tours and also, to offer the opportunity to win your own copy of this book. There will be 3 winners!

Check it out below.

Continue reading Spotlight – All The Bad Apples by Moïra Fowley-Doyle + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

Interview: Katy Upperman, author of How The Light Gets In (+ Giveaway) – FFBC Tours

How The Light Gets In

Today, I’m honored to partner with FFBC Tours for the How The Light Gets In Book Tour. In this post, I asked Katy Upperman a few questions I was dying to know about this book and her writing process. This book was released on August 6, 2019 and is published by Swoon Reads

Learn more below on this wonderful young adult novel. You’ll also find inside information on a giveaway you won’t want to miss along with a few teasers. Now, let me (re)introduce you to the author and let’s hear what she has to say about her newest book.

Continue reading Interview: Katy Upperman, author of How The Light Gets In (+ Giveaway) – FFBC Tours

Book Review – Fate, Fame, and the First Kiss by Kasie West

Fame, Fate, and The First Kiss

Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss is a young adult contemporary romance written by the amazing Kasie West. She is one of my “auto-buy” authors, the queen of YA romance. I have devoured all of her books and highly recommend reading anything from her. The novel was released on February 5, 2019, and is published by HarperTeen.

This review is spoiler free and contains affiliate links.

Continue reading Book Review – Fate, Fame, and the First Kiss by Kasie West

Spotlight – Hello Girls by Brittany Cavallaro and Emily Henry + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

Hello Girls, written by Brittany Cavallaro and Emily Henry, will be released on August 6, 2019. This wonderful young adult contemporary novel is published by Katherine Tegen Books. I’m excited to be part of this blog tour hosted by FFBC Tours and also, to offer the opportunity to win your own copy of this book. There will be 5 winners!

Giveaway alert! 🙂 Check it out below.

Continue reading Spotlight – Hello Girls by Brittany Cavallaro and Emily Henry + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

Spotlight – Notes from a Former Virgin by Emma Chastain + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

Notes from a former virgin

Notes from a Former Virgin, written by Emma Chastain, was released on July 2, 2019. This wonderful young adult contemporary novel is the third book in the Chloe Snow’s Diary series and is published by Simon Pulse. I’m excited to be part of this blog tour hosted by FFBC Tours and also, to offer the opportunity to win not 1, but all 3 books in the series.

Giveaway alert! 🙂 Check it out below.

Continue reading Spotlight – Notes from a Former Virgin by Emma Chastain + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (6/25/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers.

It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (6/25/19)

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (6/5/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers.

It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (6/5/19)

Cover Reveal: Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz

Today, I’m teaming up with MTMC tours and Entangled Teen to participate in the cover reveal of Sick Kids in Love, written by Hannah Moskowitz. This YA Contemporary novel will come out on November 15th, 2019 from Entangled Teen. Make sure to add this book to your TBR!

Continue reading Cover Reveal: Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (5/22/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers.

It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (5/22/19)

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (5/15/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers.

It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (5/15/19)

First Ten Books I reviewed on my Blog – Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is First Ten Books I reviewed on my Blog. I’m a little late this week, but it has been quite a week so far.

Continue reading First Ten Books I reviewed on my Blog – Top Ten Tuesday