Tag Archives: ya books

Why You Should Consider Attending YallWest as a Bookworm and a YA Writer

May is just around the corner y’all, and YallWest already posted the line up for this year. What is YallWest? YallWest is a book festival, held in Santa Monica, CA in May each year. This festival is focused on Young Adult literature and also offers a teen writing contest. YallWest offers amazing talks, a wide display of YA publishers and book-related companies. Most importantly, YallWest is well-known for the amazing talks and panels with renowned YA Authors.

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WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/20/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

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Book Tour (AND Giveaway!!) – Clouded By Envy by Candace Robinson

Happy Release Day to Candace Robinson! Find out more about Clouded By Envy, the latest fantasy novel published by The Parliament House. For the occasion, the author and publisher are running a tour wide giveaway. More on this in the post.

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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is Books with Fewer than 2,000 ratings on Goodreads that I loved. I must say this was not easy but I managed to gather some real little gems here.

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My Top 3 Young Adult and Adult Romance novels – Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! On this special day, I decided to share with you my top 3 picks for YA and Adult Romance. Some of these books are fun and light-hearted, and some are contemporary novels that will make you bleed. All I can say is that I love each and every one of this book with a fiery passion. Hope you do too!

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WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/13/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Couples in Young Adult Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is Favorite Couples in books, and narrowing it down to ten will not be easy. I always enjoy reading a good romance no matter the genre of the book, but this week, I’m adding a little twist to the theme by narrowing it to Young Adult (YA).

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January 2019 Book Haul

As you may know, January was a slow month for me as far as reading goes. I was sick for most of the month, but it did not stop me from buying some amazing books. So, this is my January 2019 Book Haul post. I’ve been reasonable this month in comparison with December simply because my goal this year is to bring my TBR down a bit, starting with the books that I already own.

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WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/6/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/6/19)

Top Ten Tuesday: Upcoming Releases I’m On the Fence About

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is Upcoming Releases I’m On the Fence About. These are the books I need help deciding whether or not they’re worth adding to my TBR. So if you’ve read any of them, let me know.

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My Five Most Anticipated Young Adult Releases – February 2019

Per Goodreads, there will be sixty-one new Young Adult (YA) released novels this month, and narrowing it down to five is a real challenge. Whether it’s Fantasy or contemporary, this list has extraordinary gems listed. January wasn’t kind to me, so I hope to add these five most anticipated Young Adult releases to my TBR this month, and drastically improve my Pages Read 2019 Challenge.

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Top Ten Tuesday: The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This is my first time participating, and I’m super excited to join the fun. This week’s topic is The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List.

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2019 Book Challenge – Pages Read 2019

A few days ago, I stumbled upon this book challenge, hosted by The Dragon’s Book Lair while reading other book bloggers’ posts. Pages Read 2019 sounds super fun, and I decided to give it a try. I’ve never done a collective book challenge before, so this new bookish endeavor should be interesting. My last attempt, the December book challenge, was an epic fail after getting super sick, but this one is different.

What is this book challenge about? Pages Read 2019 says it all in its title, but let’s dive into the specifics. It’s fun, I promise. 🙂

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ARC Review: You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn

I discovered Net Galley a few days ago, and I felt like a kid at Disneyland. I’ve always loved romance, whether it’s adult or YA. What can I say? I can’t resist a swoon-worthy story. So, when I stumbled upon this cute book cover, I immediately read the description. You’d Be Mine, written by Erin Hahn, seemed promising and right up my alley.

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December Reading Challenge

I’ve said it before: this year is out of control. How are we already in December? I have no control over time, but I can control what I do with what’s left of it. As you may know, I love pushing myself, and this month, I’ve decided to challenge myself through reading goals. Each year, we begin the new year with new resolutions. Let’s face it—I’ve never stuck with them. So instead, I decided I would end the year with a reading challenge.

Maybe it’ll change my mindset.

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Book review: The Rule of One By Ashley Saunders and Leslie Saunders

Today, I’m reviewing a Young Adult (YA) dystopian novel, The Rule of One, written by Ashley and Leslie Saunders. I’m the first to admit that I don’t read many books by indie authors, or at least not as many as I should. It’s not that I don’t like indie books; they just don’t receive as much exposure. Going for a book published by a large publisher is easy because of all the press revolving around it.

That said, I’m glad I picked up this book, and I think it’s fantastic that Amazon is giving more and more power to indie authors. The caveat has always been the quality of the books. Often indie authors’ books are published too fast, leaving a bitter taste in the reader’s mouth, but once in a while, we stumble upon little gems like this one.

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Book Review – Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas

Today, I’m reviewing a young adult fantasy novel. Empire of Storms is the fifth installment in the Throne of Glass series written by the lovely Sarah J. Maas. If you are looking for a new series to read, I will highly recommend this one. Let’s dive into this books, and as usual, there will be no spoilers.


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