July was a bit brutal for me. End of June and almost all July, I was under a lot of stress and got into a reading slump. So I did what I usually do, I take some very much needed me time (minimum presence online and on social media) and I read a lot of romance novels. I’m not sure why, but it helps me every time.
Hello book lovers, How was your (very long) month of April? Did you do anything fun? Did you have time to get some more reading done? April has been a long and quick month. I had a lot on my plate with 3 birthdays (including mine 🙂 ) to organize and work and homeschooling. Despite everything, April was a good month compared to March and I’m excited to tell you all about it.
Oh! March… It has been an interesting month. A month where I started working from home, homeschooling, and basically establishing a new routine during this trying time. One could think I would have more time being home, but that is far from reality. So, let’s see how it impacted my reading.
This month flew by, but I’m closer to Day Light Saving and the prospect of getting more sun makes me happy. In my February wrap up, you’ll find an update on my reading and writing goals and the goals I set for myself for the following month. This month has been interesting. Quite a few unexpected things happened. Let’s see in detail what I mean…
I can’t believe we’re already at the end of the month. In my January wrap up, I’ll provide an update on my reading and writing goals and set new levels/goals for next month. This month has been quite eventful, and the very definition of unproductive. Let’s see in detail what I mean…