Tag Archives: Twitter Cards

How to Use Twitter Website Cards to Drive Traffic to Your Website or Book Page?

Twitter is a very useful tool to build your Author Platform/Business. I recently published a post, in which I provided 9 great ways to use Twitter for Writers. The last feature mentioned was Twitter Cards, and I received a few questions on this very much underutilized function.


We all know the legendary, sometimes frustrating, Twitter’s 140 characters’ limit. You can certainly add a Gif or a picture, but sometimes it’s simply not enough. As much as this is a great exercise to be concise and straight to the point, we still need more on some occasions.


Well, what if I tell you we could do more? More? Yes, more!


More text, better-looking tweets and very important functionalities! You can get it all with Twitter Cards. But first, let’s talk about Website Cards.


By the end of this post, you’ll be able to create Twitter Website Cards to drive even more traffic to your site (or book page on Amazon for example). The cherry on the cake is that you can have all of these for FREE.


Is Twitter Cards a dream? Absolutely not!


Let’s start:

. Continue reading How to Use Twitter Website Cards to Drive Traffic to Your Website or Book Page?

9 effective ways to use Twitter for Writers

twitter for writersTwitter can be an intimidating little bird when you first start. It’s natural to question its relevance as a writer, blogger or an author. After all, our time is precious and unless you find something of value, why should you bother? I started using Twitter in June 2016 and this social media keeps surprising me.


As a writer and blogger, I sincerely believe Twitter is becoming a powerful tool for your business/author platform, especially when you know how to use it.


So what’s in it for you? Why should you care?

Continue reading 9 effective ways to use Twitter for Writers