Tag Archives: stormrise

Guest Post BY Jillian Boehme, Author of STormrise – A typical writing day + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

Jillian Boehme Stormrise

Stormrise, written by Jillian Boehme, will hit the shelves on September 24, 2019. This fantastic young adult Fantasy novel is published by Tor Teen. I’m excited to be part of this blog tour hosted by FFBC Tours and also, to offer the opportunity to win your own copy of this book.

Check it out below the guest post. I’m seriously impressed with her organization and commitment to writing. Kudos to her for being an author, a mom and a wife. This is no easy task. What do you think?

Find more information about the book and the giveaway as well after the guest post.

Continue reading Guest Post BY Jillian Boehme, Author of STormrise – A typical writing day + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours