Tag Archives: Indie Author

Dreamchasers, The gift Of Visions by Daniel J. Adams

Dream Chasers by Daniel J. Adams banner

Today, I’m excited to feature this new young adult fantasy novel, written by Daniel J. Adams. Dreamchasers will hit the shelves on Friday, March 27, 2020. The book will be available in all major retailers and is also available for preorders.

I wanted to thank the author for gifting me a copy. It’s always a pleasure to support an indie author in any ways I can. 🙂

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Meet the Author of The Quest, Karina Kantas

Last week, I published a spotlight on Karina Kantas soon-to-be-released book, The Quest, a YA fantasy novel. The Quest is the second installment in the Illusional Reality duology, and will be released on Valentine’s day. Today, we’re back with an interview of the author where she discusses her writing process and challenges. She also gives new authors some advice.

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Spotlight on The Quest, Book 2 of Illusional Reality by Karina Kantas AND Excerpt

Karina is a prolific writer and has had 8 books published in various genres. It was thanks to her love of Tolkien and Pullman that Karina wrote her romantic fantasy, Illusional Reality, which has turned out to be her bestseller. Readers have taken Thya and Alkazar into their hearts. The Quest is set to be released for Valentine’s day.

This Young Adult (YA) romantic fantasy, published by Asteri Press, is the exciting concluding part of Illusional Reality. This spotlight contains an excerpt and a fantastic opportunity at the end – The first book free for the sale of a paperback. (conditions in the link provided at the end).

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Book review: The Rule of One By Ashley Saunders and Leslie Saunders

Today, I’m reviewing a Young Adult (YA) dystopian novel, The Rule of One, written by Ashley and Leslie Saunders. I’m the first to admit that I don’t read many books by indie authors, or at least not as many as I should. It’s not that I don’t like indie books; they just don’t receive as much exposure. Going for a book published by a large publisher is easy because of all the press revolving around it.

That said, I’m glad I picked up this book, and I think it’s fantastic that Amazon is giving more and more power to indie authors. The caveat has always been the quality of the books. Often indie authors’ books are published too fast, leaving a bitter taste in the reader’s mouth, but once in a while, we stumble upon little gems like this one.

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