Tag Archives: chapter by chapter tour

Roots Of Ruin by Amber Mitchell – Chapter by Chapter Tour

Roots of Ruin by Amber Mitchell is now out. Check out this post and start reading now with the excerpt.

Thank you Chapter by Chapter and Entangled Teen for having me!

Roots of Ruin by Amber Mitchell – Synopsis

Roots of Ruin cover
  • Roots of Ruin (Garden of Thorns #3) by Amber Mitchell
  • Publication Date:  August 16, 2021
  • Publisher:  Entangled Teen

They did the impossible, but their problems are far from over…

After freeing the Delmarion empire, Rose and Rayce must go to Varsha, the desert home Rose fled when she was a child—the country she’s meant to rule.

Rayce is the new emperor of Delmar, Varsha’s longtime enemy, but that won’t stop him from assisting the girl he loves. Armed with the brute force of Rayce’s military, Rose sets out to free her people from the oppressive rule of the usurper king who killed her father.

But even if they win, how can she be queen to her homeland and in love with the man ruling its bitter enemy? With her loyalties split between heart and crown, Rose must find a way to do the impossible again…unite two kingdoms at war, or sacrifice half of herself to save the other.


The man she is holding up wobbles on his feet, so I rush over to his other side and pull off my water canteen, offering it to him. 

He reaches for it, but without a thumb, there is no way for him to grasp it. I pull the cap off and hold the canteen to his cracked lips. He drinks so deeply that water spills down his chin, wetting his tattered shirt, and he doesn’t pull away until the canteen is empty.. 

I lean down so that I’m at eye level with the battered man. “Please. Can you tell me what news you bring from Varsha?” 

His round eyes struggle to focus on me, but when he finally does, he shakes his head as if confirming to himself that he must deliver the message he clearly sacrificed so much for. 

“Yes,” he whispers, his voice raspy. “Yes, I can.” He looks from me to Darra. “I came as quickly as I could, but I’m afraid I haven’t left you much time. One of the loyalist camp locations has been discovered by the king and ransacked. Word is that a member has betrayed the cause, and because of this, there will be a mass execution.” 

“A mole among the loyalists?”Darra says, sounding more outraged than curious. 

He gives her a solemn nod. 

As if things weren’t already bad enough, now my own people are turning against each other.A betrayal that will result in more death. 

Darra turns from the man to me. “The loyalist are your supporters, princess. Ever since news spread to Varsha of your survival, people have been rising up to support your claim to the throne in any way they can. I’m afraid there aren’t enough numbers to outright challenge the king, but they have managed to be a thorn in his side.” 

“And we’ve paid dearly for it,” the Varshan man says, holding up his bandaged hand. “The king ensures that any who are even suspected of being loyalist cannot raise a sword or weapon against him. Most are swiftly executed, and this will be the largest execution to have taken place so far.” 

The air evaporates from my lungs as he speaks. These loyalists, people who I don’t even know, have been suffering in my name. How could I have stood still for so long, content to live an easy life here while my father’s people, while my people, have been persecuted? I always wondered how Rayce gained the courage to start the rebellion here in Delmar, and now I understand that it wasn’t courage at all. It was a calling in his soul that he could not deny. I know because I feel it too. Now I must take action.  

“What’s your name?” I ask the man before me. 

“My name? I’m Melek, Your Highness.” 

“Well, Melek, thank you for your many sacrifices already.” I touch his shoulder gently, trying to give him a reassuring smile even though I don’t feel anything but fury and burning determination inside. “Can you tell me how many were captured?” 

“Eighty-six,” he says, and the number weighs me down to the trampled ground like the blades of grass under my boot. “All the men, women, and children they found within the camp.” 

My vision goes nearly white. Children. How many will die for a queen that hasn’t stepped foot in her own city since she was a child herself? 

This can’t be. I won’t allow it. Not anymore. I stepped up when my sisters in the Garden needed me to free them, I rose up even against Rayce when the rebellion needed me, and I will move the very stars if it means saving these innocent people. 


One (1) winner will win a $15 Amazon gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/c08c9e8e785/?

Link to Tour Schedule:


About the author:

Amber Mitchell

Amber Mitchell was born and raised in a small town in Florida. After briefly escaping small town life by attending the University of South Florida where she earned her degree in Creative Writing, she decided to ditch traffic jams and move back to her hometown. There she writes Young Adult novels, usually with a bit of magic in them, rolls D20s with her friends on Thursday nights and enjoys hanging out with her husband and four cats.

Her other job involves crafting cardstock in to 3D art and has allowed her to travel all over the US vending at comic conventions which has only increased her love for fantasy and fandoms. She is represented by Nikki Terpilowski of Holloway Literature

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Other Books In the Series

After seven grueling years of captivity in the Garden—a burlesque troupe of slave girls—sixteen-year-old Rose finds an opportunity to escape during a performance for the emperor. But the hostage she randomly chose from the crowd to aid her isn’t one of the emperor’s men—not anymore. He’s the former heir to the throne, who is now leading a rebellion against it.

Rayce is a wanted man and dangerously charismatic, the worst person for Rose to get involved with, no matter what his smile promises. But he assumes Rose’s attempt to take him hostage is part of a plot to crush the rebellion, so he takes her as his hostage. Now Rose must prove where her loyalties lie, and she offers Rayce a deal—if he helps her rescue the other girls, she’ll tell him all the Garden’s secrets.

Except the one secret she’s kept for seven years that she’ll take to her grave if she must.


Like flowers denied water, people are wilting under the emperor’s tyranny.

Rose will not rest until the Gardener is dead. But there are bigger battles to fight, and Rayce—leader of the rebellion and the only man Rose has ever loved—believes their best chance at winning the war is to join forces with her sworn enemy.

Saving innocent people is more important than her quest for revenge. But their new ally can’t be trusted—and he knows her darkest secret. One betrayal could leave the war and Rayce’s life hanging in the balance, and Rose will need to make the ultimate sacrifice to save them all.


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Under The Milky Way by Vanessa Barneveld – Chapter by Chapter Tour

Under The Milky Way is now out! Happy publication day to Vanessa Barneveld. Check out this post and start reading now with the excerpt.

Thank you Chapter by Chapter and Entangled Teen for having me!

Under The Milky Way – Synopsis

Under the milky way

Under the Milky Way by Vanessa Barneveld

Publication Date: August 10, 2021

Publisher: Entangled Teen

Nothing ever happens in Dawson, Colorado.

Until high school senior Cassidy Roekiem’s mom checks into a “wellness center,” but nothing is wrong with her.

Then people start seeing lights in the sky and missing chunks of time, but the town insists nothing is going on.

And now Hayden, the new boy at school who keeps to himself and is more than a little mysterious, starts to notice her like it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, “nothing” is starting to feel a whole lot like something. And everything leads back to Hayden. The boy she’s starting to fall for. The boy with too many dark secrets for his kind heart. The boy she’s pretty sure isn’t human…


In this excerpt, here’s your first look at the stars of UNDER THE MILKY WAY, Cassidy and the mysterious newcomer Hayden…



“Cassidy Roekiem! Earth to Cassidy Roekiem!”


I jolt awake at the mangled sound of my last name…and laughter. For the record, it’s ROO-keem, not Ro-ECKY-em. The weight of twenty pairs of eyes burns into the back of my head. Damn. I’d fallen asleep in class. Again. A puddle of saliva marks the spot where my head had rested. I wipe it with my sleeve, and snatches of the dream I was in the middle of fade into oblivion.


It’s not so much the public drooling that’s freaking me out. For the past few months, my habit of falling asleep whenever, wherever, has gotten worse. A spontaneous snooze during class is bad enough. But what if it happens while I’m driving on the freeway? My parents took me to a sleep clinic a few years back, but the doctors there couldn’t find anything physically wrong with me. According to them, the best cure is to get more zzz’s. Maybe just not in class.


My sharp-nosed biology teacher, Ms. Walters, continues. “Since you were here in body but not in spirit for the past ten minutes, you are cordially required to join me today at 3:15 for detention.”


What kind of sadist gives out that kind of punishment on a Friday? Doesn’t she have something better to do? I open my mouth to protest, to tell her I have urgent business to take care of after school. But an audible yawn comes out instead.


Ms. Walters rolls her eyes. I sit up straighter and try to pay attention to her lecture on panspermia.


“Now,” she drones on, “the theory of bacteria being distributed across the universe on dust particles and evolving into complex alien life-forms is an exciting one.”


Somebody behind me pipes up enthusiastically. “Are you saying there are real E.T.’s out there?”


“Tony, when I say, ‘complex alien life-forms,’ I’m not talking about little beings with big eyes and glowing fingers. No, I mean bacteria and…”


Tony clicks his tongue in disappointment.


My mind drifts once more to anything but free-floating bacteria. The new kid in the seat beside me, Hayden McSomething, is playing with his phone, making the screen flash on and off. Out of the corner of my eye, I spy Hayden’s jean-clad right leg sliding toward my chair, inch by inch. His seat squeaks as he quickly folds his leg back to its original position. I can’t blame him for feeling restless.


I’m not sure what his issue is with this period, but I am more than ready to ditch my classes. I have Important Things to do for Mom. Even exploring the mysteries of the universe seems trivial in comparison.


White light persistently blips from Hayden’s phone. It’s annoying as hell. My head thumps to the beat—blip, blip, blip. Rubbing my temples, I sneak a sideways look at him, but he’s not watching the teacher or his phone. He’s staring at me.


Is he signaling me?


One (1) winner will win a $15 Amazon gift card

Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/c08c9e8e784/?

Link to purchase

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0871BL1NQ?tag=entangpublis-20&name=Under%20the%20Milky%20Way

Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/9781682815823?name=Under%20the%20Milky%20Way

ITunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9781682815823?name=Under%20the%20Milky%20Way

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/search?Query=9781682815823&name=Under%20the%20Milky%20Way

Link to Tour Schedule:


About the author:

Australian Vanessa Barneveld lives in a 19th-century house in inner-city Sydney with a 21st-century husband, two eccentric cats and one ghost—all of whom provide inspiration for her spirited novels. In addition to her writing career, she’s part of a crack team that produces closed captions for deaf TV viewers and audio descriptions for the blind. An avid traveler, she enjoys the journeys almost as much as the destinations. She freely admits to being food motivated and will stop at nothing to find the perfect hot chips wherever she roams around the world.

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