Tag Archives: beasts of the frozen sun

Guest Post by Jill Criswell – Incest and Axe Murder: Pushing Boundaries in Young Adult Novels + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

Jill criswell

Today, Jill Criswell, author of Beasts of the Frozen Sun, gives us her take on writing violence and sexual assault in young adult (YA) books. Some book lovers will agree, some won’t, but this is a topic I’ve seen many times when discussing YA books.

Also, I’m excited to be part of this blog tour hosted by FFBC Tours. Beasts of the Frozen Sun was released on August 6, 2019 and published by Blackstone Publishing. Check out this post for a chance to win a copy of this amazing novel along with a swag (bookmark, pendant, and magnet).

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