storm and fury

Arc Review – Storm and Fury by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Storm and Fury is the first book in The Harbingerseries written by Jennifer L. Armentrout. This young adult (YA) urban fantasy novel is published by Inkyard Press and set to be released on June 11, 2019. I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

This review is spoiler-free.

This book has been one of my most anticipated book releases for June 2019. I’m so glad I got to read before it comes out in June.


storm and fury

Eighteen-year-old Trinity Marrow may be going blind, but she can see and communicate with ghosts and spirits. Her unique gift is part of a secret so dangerous that she’s been in hiding for years in an isolated compound fiercely guarded by Wardens—gargoyle shape-shifters who protect humankind from demons. If the demons discover the truth about Trinity, they’ll devour her, flesh and bone, to enhance their own powers.

When Wardens from another clan arrive with disturbing reports that something out there is killing both demons and Wardens, Trinity’s safe world implodes. Not the least because one of the outsiders is the most annoying and fascinating person she’s ever met. Zayne has secrets of his own that will upend her world yet again—but working together becomes imperative once demons breach the compound and Trinity’s secret comes to light. To save her family and maybe the world, she’ll have to put her trust in Zayne. But all bets are off as a supernatural war is unleashed…


storm and fury

Storm and Fury is a book that is set in the same world as the Dark Elementsseries. Even though I have not read that series, I did not feel confused or like I was missing something. The world was very well explained. Now, I’m curious about the other series and will certainly give it a try. 

The Story:

Living hidden among Wardens (gargoyles), eighteen-year-old Trinity and her community suddenly face violent attacks by demons. When someone close to her is taken hostage, Trinity must ally with members of another community of Wardens and end the attacks once and for all. 

In her journey, Trinity fights all sorts of demons. She also has to face her fears and a disease that threatens to render her completely blind while falling in love with a Warden who, like her, hides explosive secrets. 

The Review:

This book is a fun ride. The story is well-written with a unique voice that remains true to a teenager’s. The main character, Trinity, is very interesting and fun to read about. The two main characters, Trinity and Zayne, face impossible situations at a young age and react very differently to them. The interesting part is how their personalities complement each other. The progression of their relationship feels genuine and makes it a pleasant read. I must say that the side characters, especially Peanut, made me laugh out loud. I so want a Peanut in my life.

For the most part, this book is a fast-paced story. There was a moment when the story slowed down, but that’s because the author is setting up the grand finale, and oh boy! The story does pick up. I love the ending, and I can’t wait to read the second installment.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

I give Storm and Fury a four-and-a-half-star rating because of that moment when I wasn’t sure/confused as of to where it was going, but the story has an exciting development, well worth reading. So I rounded up to five on Goodreads.

What a fun ride! I highly recommend it.

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