Sick Kids in Love

Cover Reveal: Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz

Today, I’m teaming up with MTMC tours and Entangled Teen to participate in the cover reveal of Sick Kids in Love, written by Hannah Moskowitz. This YA Contemporary novel will come out on November 15th, 2019 from Entangled Teen. Make sure to add this book to your TBR!

Cover Reveal: Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz.


Isabel has one rule: no dating.

It’s easier—

It’s safer—

It’s better—

—for the other person.

She’s got issues. She’s got secrets. She’s got rheumatoid arthritis.

But then she meets another sick kid.

He’s got a chronic illness Isabel’s never heard of, something she can’t even pronounce. He understands what it means to be sick. He understands her more than her healthy friends. He understands her more than her own father who’s a doctor.

He’s gorgeous, fun, and foul-mouthed. And totally into her.

Isabel has one rule: no dating.

It’s complicated—

It’s dangerous—

It’s never felt better—

—to consider breaking that rule for him.

About the book

  • Title: Sick Kids in Love
  • Author: Hannah Moskowitz
  • Publisher: Entangled Teen
  • Publication Date: November 5, 2019
  • Genre: YA Contemporary
  • Add to your Goodreads
  • Preorder:Entangled TeenAmazonB&N

Author’s Note:

My favorite part of the cover is the tagline; I joked when the book first sold that I wanted to have that on the front, but I never thought it would be a reality. I love that people are going to instantly know that this isn’t a tragic love story, that this isn’t a story about dying, or even about being sick.

It’s a classic sort of love story that everyone deserves, and I loved writing that for the kinds of characters who rarely are allowed to have it.

The cover artist is Elizabeth Turner Stoke

Sick Kids in Love
Cover Reveal Hosted by MTMC Tours

Don’t miss the exclusive #MTMC19 Twitter chat with Hannah Moskowitz, tomorrow (May, 30th 2019) and learn more about the book, the characters, and more!

Want to ask Hannah Moskowitz all your burning questions about Sick Kids in Love? Join the #MTMC19 twitter chat tomorrow at 8:00 pm EST and/or leave your questions below and @MTMCtours will ask them for you! Make sure you are following @hannahmosk on Twitter and @noodlesmahgee on Instagram!

About the Author

Sick Kids in Love

Hannah Moskowitz wrote her first story, about a kitten named Lilly on the run from cat hunters, for a contest when she was seven years old. It was disqualified for violence.

Her first book, BREAK, was on the ALA’s 2010 list of Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults, and in 2013, GONE, GONE, GONE received a Stonewall Honor. 2015’s NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED was named the YA Bisexual Book of the Year.

She’s also the co-author of GENA/FINN with Kat Helgeson and has contributed to several anthologies. She lives in Maryland with several cats, none of whom are violent.


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