secrets of a fangirl

Blog Tour + Giveaway: Secrets of a fangirl by Erin Dionne

secrets of a fangirl

Today, I’ve teamed up with The Fantastic Flying Book Club to present this wonderful middle-grade novel, Secrets of a Fangirl, written by Erin Dionne. This book is set to be released on May 28th, 2019 and is published by Arthur Levine Books.

I’ve received a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.


secrets of a fangirl

Sarah Anne loves lacrosse, and the MK Nightshade series that everyone was obsessed over in grade school. The problem is that she’s still obsessed, which is way too nerdy for a popular kid like her. So she hides her geekiness with a set of rules meant to keep her geek and jock selves separate. 

Except when she’s offered a spot in a Nightshade fandom contest, where the winner gets to see the new movie premiere in LA. No one seems to think Sarah Anne can win, since she’s up against a pair of guys in high school–but the more she’s called a fake fan, the more determined she is to wipe the floor with her competition. As long as none of her friends or anyone at school knows what she’s doing.

Can she keep her geek identity a secret, win the contest, and manage to keep her friends even though she’s been living a lie? Sarah Anne is going to have to make some choices about what’s truly important to her and which rules she’s going to break to stay true to herself.

Thoughts about the Book

I won’t call this a review because I haven’t finished the book yet, but I’m almost done with it. I will do a full review as soon as I’ll be done, but I can tell you that this book is such a fun book to read. I mean look at all the reviews on Goodreads. Mine will surely align with them.

I’m waiting to read the ending to say what I’ll rate it but for now, it ranks pretty high.

More to come on this. Also, check out my instagram to see my creative picture.


The Fantastic Flying Book Club, Scholastic, and Erin Dionne have teamed up to offer this giveaway.

Prize : Copy of Secrets of a Fangirl (US Only)

How to enter : Click on the link below to access the Rafflecopter giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Erin Dionne’s latest book for tweens is Lights, Camera, Disaster (Scholastic 2018). Her other novels are Models Don’t Eat Chocolate CookiesThe Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet, and Notes from an Accidental Band Geek.
Her novel Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking: A 14 Day Mystery, is based on the real-life Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum art heist and was a 2014 Edgar Award finalist. The series continues with Ollie and the Science of Treasure Hunting. Her first picture book, Captain’s Log: Snowbound, illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler, was released in 2018 and received a starred review from Kirkus.

A graduate of Boston College (BA English & Communications) and Emerson College (MFA), she teaches at Montserrat College of Art and lives outside of Boston with her husband, two children, and a very indignant dog.

Where to find the book

Tour Schedule

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