Quinsey Wolfe's Glass Vault

Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault by Candace Robinson – Takeover Tour

Quinsey Wolfe's Glass Vault

Today, I’ve teamed up with the Parliament House to feature this YA fantasy novel, Quincey Wolfe’s Glass Vault, by Candace Robinson. This book is set to be released on June 26, 2019, and is published by The Parliament House.

Check out the post below to read the synopsis. Interested? Well, this post also contains a giveaway for a chance to win a copy of the book. Also, while you’re waiting for the book to come out, don’t waste time and start enjoying it by reading the book excerpt.


Quinsey Wolfe's Glass Vault

Some see it… Some don’t…

People in the town of Deer Park, Texas are vanishing. There is a strange museum, known as Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault, that appears overnight. Perrie Madeline’s best friend and ex-boyfriend are among the missing. Perrie and her friend August go on a pursuit for them in the mysterious museum. Could the elusive Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault have anything to do with the disappearances?

Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault is the start of a thrilling duology full of magic, danger, and romance.


Click on the image below to access the giveaway that is hosted on Instagram and enter for a chance to win a digital copy of the book.

Quinsey Wolfe's Glass Vault

Book available for purchase on Amazon. Click on the picture below to purchase now.

Quinsey Wolfe's Glass Vault

Book Excerpt

Overwhelmed with boredom, Vale stared down at his fingernails. He could only spend so much time tormenting those he encountered in the afterlife. After making them as miserable as possible, he found himself needing to search for new prey.
The fire beside him flickered and gave off a comforting heat. To Vale it felt like a warm blanket against his cool skin. He hummed a melody to himself as the fire crackled, accompanied by a chorus of screams that continued to grow more intensely.
Vale should have felt something, yet he was incapable of compassion. It made his torture of others necessary, and with no complete spectrum of true emotion, their agony provided him with a sick sort of pleasure. It was the only real feeling he had ever truly known.
He picked at his nails a little longer with a sharp instrument until they were back to their pristine condition. The one thing he couldn’t tolerate was the filth and grime that built up under his fingernails. One might consider this an oddity. After all, his experiments usually ended up being the cause of his distress.
Studying his fingernails one more time, Vale set the tool down next to a row full of other torturous devices—giving him another thrill. When so many of his experiments resulted in such beautiful messes, he could forgive himself the lapse in hygiene.
Rows of cages filled with useless souls lined the walls of his domain. They would help him to crush the mortal lives he needed to flood the earth. After the time he had spent in his dark place, he grew tired of tormenting the ones who “deserved” it—he wanted them all.
The time had finally come to bring down humanity—he wished it could be as simple as a snap of his fingers. Vale didn’t like to do things the easy way, though. No, he liked to do things the way that brought him the most pleasure. This time he was going to be known as Quinsey Wolfe. This time he would make sure the world ended in flames while orchestrating its demise and rebirth. There must be a space between his underworld and the human world, where the new souls could become immortal with true power. It would take time, but he would build this place. Then, he could discover the ones he truly wanted. Hearts would surrender, souls would suffer, and at the end of it all—he would watch it burn. From the ashes of its undoing, Vale would recreate it all in his image.

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