Q&A with Richard Siddoway, author of Tsalix Silverthorn – Smith Publicity

Tsalix Silverthorn and the Scepter of Destiny , written by Richard Siddoway, is a young adult epic fantasy novel. The book will be released on August 31, 2020. Today, I’m excited to share with you this Q&A with the author.  Check it out!

Thank you so much, Smith Publicity, for gifting me the book and giving me the opportunity to interview Richard Siddoway. 🙂

Q&A Session with Richard Siddoway

Q: What inspired you to write this book?

I’ve always been fascinated by the conflict between good and evil.  Many years ago I lived on the Navajo (Dineh) Reservation and I learned from the local medicine man (haatalii) the Navajo Creation Story.  I’ve stolen characters from that story to describe that conflict.

Q: Describe your main character in 3 words.

Loyal, creative, and undaunted.

Q: What was the most challenging part to write in this book?

The ascent of Mount Jinee. 

Q: What was your favorite part, and why?

When Cha Legai begins to question whether he has followed the right brother.

Q: What’s a typical writing day for you?

I get up fairly early and try to get at least two uninterrupted hours.

Q: Where do you like writing and why? Favorite snacks and/or beverages?

I have a home office that has all the stuff I need to write.  As for snacks, I like jelly beans and Fresca.

Q: What was your last 5-star read and why?

“The answer is…”  I’ve loved Jeopardy for years and this autobiography of Alex Trebec seemed like sitting down with an old friend.

Q: How would your main character fare with a stay-at-home order?

Tsalix would struggle.  He’s an eighteen year old that likes to get out and go.  But, if the king mandated it, he’d do it, because of the loyalty he feels to the king.

Q: What author or story inspired you growing up or inspired you in some ways?

During World War II, my uncle, for whom I’m named, was serving in the South China Sea.  For every birthday and Christmas from the time I was 3 years old, he sent me an Oz book that he’d picked up in Hong Kong.  So L. Frank Baum was my favorite early author.  Since then I’ve loved C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling, and Shakespeare.

Q: Is there anything you can tell us about the book that is not a spoiler and not on the blurb? Something you’d like to share with us?

Does good always triumph over evil?  Perhaps, but not without conflict.  When twin brothers develop conflict over who will rule the kingdom they exhibit very different leadership styles—one wants to ensure obedience through fear, the other allows free will.  Which will be more successful?


tsalix richard Siddoway

Good Will Always Overcome Evil—But, Not Without Great Effort

Diving into the Kingdom of Sodizen, New York Times bestselling author Richard Siddoway launches the first book in a brand-new YA fantasy series: Tsalix Silverthorn and the Scepter of Destiny [Cayelle Publishing/Dagger Imprint, August 25, 2020]. Crafting an inventive storyline with elements of adventure, action and fantasy, Siddoway’s first installment features the courageous Tsalix as he leads a dangerous quest to restore peace and order in the tiny village of Aravah.

With King Elosha close to death, his twin sons Princes Abadon and Johona are engaged in a battle over the throne of Sodizen. Hoping to put an end to the bloody chaos that ensues as one noble son fights his madman brother, the King summons three village men, and tasks them with the incredible feat of retrieving the prophesied talismans that will unlock the Scepter of Power on Mount Destiny.

To aid them on this treacherous quest, the King bestows each with a vial of elements only to be opened when needed most. When the men find their hometown torched to the ground and their surviving family and friends imprisoned by Prince Abadon, they are faced with either choosing to rescue loved ones or complete their mission. After bravely choosing to obey their King, they go on to battle dangerous weather and terrain, and encounter both threatening and friendly mythical creatures. With the odds stacked against them, Tsalix heroically continues to guide them on the challenging journey across the kingdom to retrieve the Scepter that will restore peace in the realm.

Fans of epic fantasy and action books will devour this one and will be eagerly awaiting the next three installments.

“Every book I have written has the underlying theme of good over evil. In Tsalix Silverthorn, I hope readers get a sense of the uplifting undertones within the larger concept of the story.”

Richard Sidoway

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About the author: Richard Siddoway

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and reared in Bountiful, a town about 10 miles north of Salt Lake City. I graduated in the first graduating class from Bountiful High School in 1957. Five years later I returned to teach at BHS. I taught there for 26 years with a year out to teach among my Navajo friends in Chinle, Arizona.

I left Bountiful High School when I became vice principal at Viewmont High School–Bountiful’s cross-town rivals. I then moved to the Davis School District Office as the supervisor of library/media and technology education. In 1994 Governor Michael O. Leavitt asked me to build the first state-wide virtual high school. When I retired in 2007 the Electronic High School was the largest high school in the nation.

I served three terms in the Utah House of Representatives–the last two years as Speaker Pro Tempore.

I have been lucky enough to have several books published; one of them, “The Christmas Wish” was a New York Times best seller and was made into a movie starring Debbie Reynolds, Neil Patrick Harris, and Naomi Watts.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and have served as a Bishop and Stake President. My wife and I have served missions in Nauvoo, Illinois, and Taylorsville, Utah (Spanish).

Most importantly we have eight children and twenty six grandchildren.


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2 thoughts on “Q&A with Richard Siddoway, author of Tsalix Silverthorn – Smith Publicity”

  1. You have Maggie Humm listed instead of Richard in the about the author and the beginning of your blog post.

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