Q1 2020 Blog Stats

Q1 2020 Blog Stats – numbers for the past 3 months

Q1 2020 blog stats banner

In the spirit of transparency, I wanted to share with you my blog stats. I truly started blogging consistently in January 2019, which makes this YA book blog a year old. I’m truly happy with how it’s grown and hope to grow even more in the months to come. Here is a snippet.

Q1 2020 Blog Stats – Review

Q1 2020 Blog stats graph
#Q1 2020Jan.Feb.Mar.

Overall, this is pretty consistent. I’m not doing any blog tags or blog hops to be honest so I’m happy with these numbers. March has been a better month as for a number of views.

Q1 2020 Blog Stats – Followers

Q1 2020 Blog stats followers

I believe I started the year with 250 followers so this is definitely going up. And now, on to Q2. I have a few fun blog tours I will be participating in this month. Check out my March Wrap up post to see what these upcoming Tours are.

Success! You're on the list.

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