Happy Sunday! This is a weekly wrap up where I share with you a bit about my reading, a digest of my posts, and any updates when appropriate. I do take pleasure in blogging, so I hope that some of the posts will be helpful to you.
Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/2/2019)
Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.
Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/2/2019)
Querying : How To Find An Agent
A couple of weeks ago, I discussed how querying an agent can be a waiting game. This week, I want to give you a comprehensive list of places you can go to find an agent. So, here is how to find an agent: From a basic web search to specialized events (and a few helpful tips I’ve picked up along the way), you will find everything you need to get started in your hunt for the perfect agent.
How To Find An Agent
While self-publishing is always an option, sometimes what you want as a writer is to be able to reach a larger audience and benefit from the support of an established publisher. Or maybe you’ve previously self-published a book, but now you want to be picked up by a traditional publisher. There are many reasons why traditional publishing is best for you. Typically, the only way to do this, however, is through a literary agent.
So what is a literary agent?
A literary agent is an agent who represents you and your book to publishers (and even films studios, if they handle subsidiary rights). An agent is responsible for selling the rights of your book to publishing companies and negotiating the terms of your contract. Agents often have more responsibilities than just those two things, but for the purposes of this post, we’ll stop there.
You’ll want to ensure that your literary agent has your best interest at heart and that they are capable of helping you reach your goals as an author (and level expectations, if needed). Finding the right literary agent for you is very important. It’s like a second marriage. You need to make sure the agent you choose is right for you, and this starts early on in the process.
So where can you find a good literary agent?
There are a number of websites designed to assist you in finding the agent that will fit best with your needs. The first step is to know your genre (i.e., fantasy, horror, romance, etc.) and your audience (i.e., middle grade, young adult, adult, etc.). You will need to research each agent to see what genre they represent.
Do NOT send your query to everyone– you will be wasting both your time and the agent’s time and you’ll end up frustrated with the process.
Before sending a query, there are several do’s and don’ts you should follow, but the most important thing is to always follow the submission guidelines.
The easiest way to find an agent and find out if that agent is right for you is to check out the agent’s website. There you can see what they’re looking for, whether they represent the genre/audience of your book, and what specific submission guidelines you have to follow for your query.
The implication here is that you have names of agents whom you know who represent an author who writes similar books or that you met at a writing conference/seminar.
Tips: To find agents that represent your genre, read the acknowledgments of published books similar to yours. Agents are often mentioned in those lines. Now, a word of caution – these agents may no longer be accepting submissions. This is why looking them up is important. Also, if you’re a debut author, these agents may not be your best bet since they already have an established list of clients, but it’s worth a shot if they’re accepting submissions because these agents already have the right contacts to put you on the path to success.
If you don’t have names of specific agents or would prefer to target agents open to receiving submissions, the following sites are your best bet. These are all essentially online databases designed to connect literary agents and authors through a trusted resource.
The site usually requires that you first create an account, but the subsequent search process is pretty straightforward. Sometimes you will also have the ability to look up projects an agent recently sold, which can give you an idea of the agent’s workload.
Writer’s Digest is a wonderful resource for authors/writers.
Book – Guide to Literary Agents
Every year, a new edition of Guide to Literary Agents is released. I guess you could say it’s the yellow pages of literary agents. Agents are all classified by literary agency, under which you’ll find a list of agents with details about what they’re seeking and more.
Last week, I attended a seminar where an agent read the first 10 first pages of my book and provided feedback. She pointed out a few things I had missed, but her words were encouraging. She also provided insights on the market I’m trying to break into, which was a needed insight for me.
I revised my pages accordingly and sent them back to her. I’m still waiting on her final feedback, but overall the experience has been invaluable. This seminar also provided to all writers attending the opportunity to discuss with the agent about comments from the feedback or questions related to the industry. This live discussion was very informative. I believe attending a seminar like this is a good way to determine if you’re ready to present your work.
The agent also pushed me to think of my book as a product. I found looking at my work from her point of view very interesting. In a nutshell, I highly recommend this type of seminar for new writers.
Another thing I like about WD is that they have posts on their blog about new agents and what they’re looking for. This blog is a fantastic way to learn more about the industry.
WD Conferences
WD hosts two conferences a year. In August, the first conference is held in New York where they often hold a pitch wars session with numerous agents. It’s a little like speed dating. This is one way to meet agents and pitch your ideas in a short amount of time.
The other conference is held in Pasadena in October. I met agents there who only accept submissions if you’ve attended their class. These conferences are a great opportunity to access agents. You get to meet them and get a sense of whether your personality and work ethic will match.
I would first advise you to start with the sites and the book I mentioned above, but it can also help to get involved in some specific events on social media, especially on Twitter.
For example, PitMad on March 7 is an event not to be missed if you’re querying agents. You’ll have the ability to pitch your book on Twitter using the #PitMad hashtag and agents will be online all day reading all the pitches.
If they are interested, they will like/favorite your tweet. You can then reach out to interested agents (who may have a guideline specific for this event on their website). You should send them an email with “PitMad request” or something similar in the subject line. Don’t forget: agents do not like attachments, so put everything you want to say in the body of your email.
This event is a wonderful way to reach a lot of agents at once. There are many more events like these on Twitter, but the two main Twitter events for pitching are PitMad and DVpit. This year, DVpit will be held on April 23 (Children and YA) and April 24 (Adult).
Here is another article from Publisher’s weekly written by Claire Kirch about events on social media that connect writers and agents. This article also provides some excellent pitch examples.
Another resource to help you find the right agent
Publisher’s Marketplace is another website that provides a plethora of information on how to find a literary agent, an editor, or articles on the various trends in the publishing industry.
This information is very useful and informative. This site is great for authors who want to obtain pertinent information, especially if you are deciding whether or not to sign with an agent. To access this site, you are required to pay a $25 monthly fee (with no long-term commitment). I would say this site is a good way to find out more about new deals that were recently signed and other industry information.
Overall, finding an agent isn’t hard, but it requires time and meticulous research. This is something that can be extremely beneficial for you as an author in the long run. Keep in mind that the querying process can be as challenging as writing the book itself. At the last writing conference I attended, someone asked a published author what set them apart from other authors, what they thought they had done differently that made them more successful. The answer given was “persistence.”
Don’t give up! This week I read Martine Fournier Watson’s article, “How to Find a Literary Agent in 109 Easy Steps” and I highly recommend you read it as well. In the article she shared, “Here are my statistics: I spent more than 18 months querying my book, and in that time I sent out 109 queries. I was rejected 108 times.“
Some of you will be lucky and will find representation quickly, but for the rest of you, remember to be persistent. Figuring out where to send a query is the first step toward success. If your work is the best you can do, and you have had it thoroughly reviewed by enough beta readers that you feel confident the story is flawless, don’t let the pile of rejections tell you otherwise.
If you have any tips or want to share your experience, please feel free to comment. I’d love to hear about your own experience. No writer is or has to be truly alone.
Until next week… Happy writing!
Book Review: The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
This post is a spoiler-free book review of the fourth and final installment of The Raven Cycle series written by Maggie Stiefvater. The Raven King is a Young Adult (YA) Fantasy novel that I finally finish reading.
Continue reading Book Review: The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
Book Tour (AND Giveaway!!) – The Empire Saga Series by M. Dalto
Today marks the beginning of the Empire Saga novellas Tour! Find out more about Reylor’s Lament and Treyan’s Promise in this post, published by The Parliament House. For the occasion, the author and publisher are running a tour wide giveaway. More on this in the post.
Continue reading Book Tour (AND Giveaway!!) – The Empire Saga Series by M. Dalto
WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/27/19)
WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.
Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/27/19)
Top Ten Tuesday: Places Mentioned In Books That I’d Like to Visit
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Places Mentioned in Books that I’d Like to Visit. This topic was quite easy for me. I’ve always wanted to visit most of these places.
Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Places Mentioned In Books That I’d Like to Visit
Bookstagram 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Bookstagram
Some of you may know, but my love for books knows no boundaries. Not only do I have a book blog, but I also have a Bookstagram. A Bookstagram is an Instagram account dedicated to books. Yes! That is a thing. 🙂 So let me explain a little what I do with it and how I do it.
Continue reading Bookstagram 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Bookstagram
Weekly Wrap Up – Sunday 2/24/2019 (AND BOOK GIVEAWAY)
Happy Sunday! This is a weekly wrap up where I share with you a bit about my reading, a digest of my posts, and any updates when appropriate. I do take pleasure in blogging, so I hope that some of the posts will be helpful to you.
Continue reading Weekly Wrap Up – Sunday 2/24/2019 (AND BOOK GIVEAWAY)
Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/23/2019)
Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.
Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/23/2019)
Why You Should Consider Attending YallWest as a Bookworm and a YA Writer
May is just around the corner y’all, and YallWest already posted the line up for this year. What is YallWest? YallWest is a book festival, held in Santa Monica, CA in May each year. This festival is focused on Young Adult literature and also offers a teen writing contest. YallWest offers amazing talks, a wide display of YA publishers and book-related companies. Most importantly, YallWest is well-known for the amazing talks and panels with renowned YA Authors.
Continue reading Why You Should Consider Attending YallWest as a Bookworm and a YA Writer
NetGalley: 3 Promising eARCs Approved Today – Expect a review soon!
I received an amazing surprise today. NetGalley informed me that the 3 eARCs I had requested have been approved. Guess who’s going to do a lot of reading this weekend and in the upcoming week. This girl, right here!!! 😉 So, let me show you these beauties.
Continue reading NetGalley: 3 Promising eARCs Approved Today – Expect a review soon!
Cover Reveal : The Girl The Sea Gave Back by Adrienne Young
Today, I saw the cover reveal of a few upcoming YA releases. And… I may or may not have squealed like a little girl when I saw the cover of The Girl The Sea Gave Back by Adrienne Young. I will not confirm either way. Anyway, I want to share this fantastic cover with you, hoping you may or may not squeal the way I did… 😉
Continue reading Cover Reveal : The Girl The Sea Gave Back by Adrienne Young
WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/20/19)
WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.
Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/20/19)
Book Tour (AND Giveaway!!) – Clouded By Envy by Candace Robinson
Happy Release Day to Candace Robinson! Find out more about Clouded By Envy, the latest fantasy novel published by The Parliament House. For the occasion, the author and publisher are running a tour wide giveaway. More on this in the post.
Continue reading Book Tour (AND Giveaway!!) – Clouded By Envy by Candace Robinson
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Books with Fewer than 2,000 ratings on Goodreads that I loved. I must say this was not easy but I managed to gather some real little gems here.
Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Books I LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads
Weekly Wrap Up – Sunday 2/17/2019
Happy Sunday! This is a weekly wrap up where I share with you a bit about my reading, a digest of my posts, and any updates when appropriate. I do take pleasure in blogging, so I hope that some of the posts will be helpful to you.
Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/16/2019)
Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.
Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/16/2019)
My Top 3 Young Adult and Adult Romance novels – Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day! On this special day, I decided to share with you my top 3 picks for YA and Adult Romance. Some of these books are fun and light-hearted, and some are contemporary novels that will make you bleed. All I can say is that I love each and every one of this book with a fiery passion. Hope you do too!
Continue reading My Top 3 Young Adult and Adult Romance novels – Happy Valentine’s Day!
WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/13/19)
WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.
Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/13/19)
Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Couples in Young Adult Books
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Favorite Couples in books, and narrowing it down to ten will not be easy. I always enjoy reading a good romance no matter the genre of the book, but this week, I’m adding a little twist to the theme by narrowing it to Young Adult (YA).
Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Couples in Young Adult Books
Book Review: Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
This post is a spoiler-free book review of the third installment of The Raven Cycle series written by Maggie Stiefvater. The adventure continues in Blue Lily, Lily Blue, a Young Adult (YA) Fantasy novel that will leave you breathless. This year, I vowed to finish reading all the series I started, and this book brings me one step closer to my goal.
Continue reading Book Review: Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
Weekly Wrap Up – Sunday 2/10/2019
Happy Sunday! This is a weekly wrap up where I share with you a bit about my reading, a digest of my posts, and any updates when appropriate. I do take pleasure in blogging, so I hope that some of the posts will be helpful to you.
Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/9/2019)
Happy Saturday All! I read a ton of blog posts each week, and this is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.
Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/9/2019)
Querying an agent: May the waiting game begin
The path to traditional publishing is a slow burning fire. In the U.S. and maybe elsewhere, (I imagine each country has its own rules), if you decide to take the traditional path, you first need to query an agent. Once you’re offered representation, the agent will then sell your book to a publishing house, and that’s how you get a book deal. You have to decide whether you want to go through all that or just self-publish. That is your choice, but if you do choose the conventional path, querying becomes a required (and dreadful) step.
Continue reading Querying an agent: May the waiting game begin
January 2019 Book Haul
As you may know, January was a slow month for me as far as reading goes. I was sick for most of the month, but it did not stop me from buying some amazing books. So, this is my January 2019 Book Haul post. I’ve been reasonable this month in comparison with December simply because my goal this year is to bring my TBR down a bit, starting with the books that I already own.
COVER REVEAL – Hell at Halfingdon Asylum by Alice J. Black
I’m so excited to share this post with you. I love book cover reveal because let’s be honest most of us do judge a book by its cover, and this one is so spooky and in the best way possible. So, I’ve teamed up with The Parliament Press and the author, Alice J. Black to present this amazing book cover reveal. So without further ado, let me introduce to the brand new novel in the Soul Seekers series written by Alice J. Black, Hell at Halfingdon Asylum.
Continue reading COVER REVEAL – Hell at Halfingdon Asylum by Alice J. Black
WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/6/19)
WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.
Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/6/19)
Top Ten Tuesday: Upcoming Releases I’m On the Fence About
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Upcoming Releases I’m On the Fence About. These are the books I need help deciding whether or not they’re worth adding to my TBR. So if you’ve read any of them, let me know.
Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Upcoming Releases I’m On the Fence About
Arc Review: The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
I requested a digital review copy of the novel The Unhoneymooners, by Christina Lauren, from NetGalley for two reasons:
- I had previously read Roomies by this author and loved the book.
- I had heard great reviews about this novel from other book bloggers and bookstagrammers.
The cover was a gorgeous yellow, and the description of the book only sealed the deal. I was so excited when the publisher approved it on Friday that I started reading it right away. Two days later, I can happily report that I’ve devoured this book. As much as I loved Roomies, The Unhoneymooners is even better. Let me tell you why.
Continue reading Arc Review: The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
My Five Most Anticipated Young Adult Releases – February 2019
Per Goodreads, there will be sixty-one new Young Adult (YA) released novels this month, and narrowing it down to five is a real challenge. Whether it’s Fantasy or contemporary, this list has extraordinary gems listed. January wasn’t kind to me, so I hope to add these five most anticipated Young Adult releases to my TBR this month, and drastically improve my Pages Read 2019 Challenge.
Continue reading My Five Most Anticipated Young Adult Releases – February 2019
January Wrap Up
I can’t believe we’re already at the end of the month. In my January wrap up, I’ll provide an update on my reading and writing goals and set new levels/goals for next month. This month has been quite eventful, and the very definition of unproductive. Let’s see in detail what I mean…
Top Ten Tuesday: The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This is my first time participating, and I’m super excited to join the fun. This week’s topic is The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List.
Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List
Book Tour (AND Giveaway!!) – Dream Keeper by Amber Duell
Happy Release Day to Amber Duell! Find out more about the Dream Keeper, first in the Dark Dreamer trilogy. The publisher, The Parliament House Press is also running a tour wide giveaway. More on this in the post.
Continue reading Book Tour (AND Giveaway!!) – Dream Keeper by Amber Duell
2019 Book Challenge – Pages Read 2019
A few days ago, I stumbled upon this book challenge, hosted by The Dragon’s Book Lair while reading other book bloggers’ posts. Pages Read 2019 sounds super fun, and I decided to give it a try. I’ve never done a collective book challenge before, so this new bookish endeavor should be interesting. My last attempt, the December book challenge, was an epic fail after getting super sick, but this one is different.
What is this book challenge about? Pages Read 2019 says it all in its title, but let’s dive into the specifics. It’s fun, I promise. 🙂
COVER REVEAL – Wandering in Wonderland by Aislinn Honeycutt
I’m so excited to share this post with you. I’ve teamed up with The Parliament Press and the author, Aislinn Honeycutt to present a book cover reveal. So without further ado, let me introduce to the brand new novel written by Aislinn Honeycutt, Wandering in Wonderland.
Continue reading COVER REVEAL – Wandering in Wonderland by Aislinn Honeycutt
Meet the Author of The Quest, Karina Kantas
Last week, I published a spotlight on Karina Kantas soon-to-be-released book, The Quest, a YA fantasy novel. The Quest is the second installment in the Illusional Reality duology, and will be released on Valentine’s day. Today, we’re back with an interview of the author where she discusses her writing process and challenges. She also gives new authors some advice.
Continue reading Meet the Author of The Quest, Karina Kantas
Spotlight on The Quest, Book 2 of Illusional Reality by Karina Kantas AND Excerpt
Karina is a prolific writer and has had 8 books published in various genres. It was thanks to her love of Tolkien and Pullman that Karina wrote her romantic fantasy, Illusional Reality, which has turned out to be her bestseller. Readers have taken Thya and Alkazar into their hearts. The Quest is set to be released for Valentine’s day.
This Young Adult (YA) romantic fantasy, published by Asteri Press, is the exciting concluding part of Illusional Reality. This spotlight contains an excerpt and a fantastic opportunity at the end – The first book free for the sale of a paperback. (conditions in the link provided at the end).
Continue reading Spotlight on The Quest, Book 2 of Illusional Reality by Karina Kantas AND Excerpt
Arc Review – The Rule of Many (Book #2) by Ashley and Leslie Saunders
ARC Review: You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn
I discovered Net Galley a few days ago, and I felt like a kid at Disneyland. I’ve always loved romance, whether it’s adult or YA. What can I say? I can’t resist a swoon-worthy story. So, when I stumbled upon this cute book cover, I immediately read the description. You’d Be Mine, written by Erin Hahn, seemed promising and right up my alley.
Book Review: The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli
I’ve had The Last Namsara on my shelf for far too long. I’ve never really thought much about it, and I’ve always had another book I wanted to read more until recently when some fellow book-lovers started raving about it. We have the same taste in books, so I thought I should give it a try. This book is part of my December Reading Challenge.
Now, the only thing I’m thinking is “Why did I wait so long to pick up this book? Why??”
Continue reading Book Review: The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli
December Reading Challenge
I’ve said it before: this year is out of control. How are we already in December? I have no control over time, but I can control what I do with what’s left of it. As you may know, I love pushing myself, and this month, I’ve decided to challenge myself through reading goals. Each year, we begin the new year with new resolutions. Let’s face it—I’ve never stuck with them. So instead, I decided I would end the year with a reading challenge.
Maybe it’ll change my mindset.
Book review: The Rule of One By Ashley Saunders and Leslie Saunders
Today, I’m reviewing a Young Adult (YA) dystopian novel, The Rule of One, written by Ashley and Leslie Saunders. I’m the first to admit that I don’t read many books by indie authors, or at least not as many as I should. It’s not that I don’t like indie books; they just don’t receive as much exposure. Going for a book published by a large publisher is easy because of all the press revolving around it.
That said, I’m glad I picked up this book, and I think it’s fantastic that Amazon is giving more and more power to indie authors. The caveat has always been the quality of the books. Often indie authors’ books are published too fast, leaving a bitter taste in the reader’s mouth, but once in a while, we stumble upon little gems like this one.
Continue reading Book review: The Rule of One By Ashley Saunders and Leslie Saunders
Fantasy Map: Bring your world to life.

Book Review: The Wrong Bachelor by Alexandra Moody
Looking for a swoon-worthy romance, stop here. You found it! To all fans of the TV Reality shows, The Bachelor, this novel will be perfect for you. The Wrong Bachelor written by Alexandra Moody was a nice surprise.
Continue reading Book Review: The Wrong Bachelor by Alexandra Moody
Book Review – Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
Today, I’m reviewing a young adult fantasy novel. Empire of Storms is the fifth installment in the Throne of Glass series written by the lovely Sarah J. Maas. If you are looking for a new series to read, I will highly recommend this one. Let’s dive into this books, and as usual, there will be no spoilers.
Continue reading Book Review – Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
Book Review: Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young
Continue reading Book Review: Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young
Interview: C. Penticoff, Fantasy Author of “Weathering The Wicked”
C. Penticoff, fantasy author and owner of A Novel Connection, started creating books the moment she could pick up a pen and write with it. Her first book, Weathering the Wicked, is one she started writing at the age of 12. After 14 years of throwing crumbled up pieces of paper in the trash and going back to the writing board, she finally had the masterpiece she had dreamed of publishing since middle school.
Aside from writing, her passion is running and growing her website, A Novel Connection, which offers readers free books in exchange for honest reviews.
When she isn’t writing, she is homeschooling her two young boys and daydreaming of worlds beyond our own.
Continue reading Interview: C. Penticoff, Fantasy Author of “Weathering The Wicked”
Interview: S.E. Ellis, Author of “Hestia the Dreamwalker”
S.E. Ellis currently lives in Colorado and enjoys eating ramen (every day), going for long hikes under the sun (and under the moon), writing, reading and searching used bookstores for hidden treasure.
Often seen on the High Line Canal trails talking to raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, crows and ravens.
S.E. Ellis is the author of “Hestia the Dreamwalker.”
Continue reading Interview: S.E. Ellis, Author of “Hestia the Dreamwalker”
Author Interview: Ferishta Ganga, Author of debut novel, “The Rebels”
Ferishta Ganga is the author of debut novel, The Rebels. She loves writing beyond words and reading anything in the YA genre. The Rebels is her debut novel and she had the most fun times writing it.
She claims to be a sucker for romance, and enjoys building tension in her stories in order to pull her readers in deeper and keep them there until the story has ended.
When not writing, she can be found surfing the net and ordering more books to add to her TBR shelf.
Continue reading Author Interview: Ferishta Ganga, Author of debut novel, “The Rebels”