Notes from a former virgin

Spotlight – Notes from a Former Virgin by Emma Chastain + GIVEAWAY – FFBC Tours

Notes from a former virgin

Notes from a Former Virgin, written by Emma Chastain, was released on July 2, 2019. This wonderful young adult contemporary novel is the third book in the Chloe Snow’s Diary series and is published by Simon Pulse. I’m excited to be part of this blog tour hosted by FFBC Tours and also, to offer the opportunity to win not 1, but all 3 books in the series.

Giveaway alert! 🙂 Check it out below.


Notes from a former virgin

Bridget Jones’s Diary meets Mean Girls as lovably flawed high school student Chloe Snow chronicles her junior year as she navigates the highs and lows of family, friendship, school, and losing her virginity.

I’ll be honest: junior year has been a disaster.

My horrible mom is back from Mexico.

My dad’s girlfriend is living in our house.

Did I mention my parents aren’t divorced yet?

On the plus side, I lost my virginity!…and then the whole school found out and I got slut-shamed.

Then, somehow, I got popular! But according to some people, it turned me into a monster, and I’m pretty sure everyone hates me now.

Oh, and there was the Thanksgiving fiasco, and the prom queen debacle, and the illegal middle-of-the-night drive to the hospital.

Want to hear the whole wild story? You’ll have to read my notes.

  • Author: Emma Chastain
  • Publisher: Simon Pulse
  • Publication Date: July 2, 2019
  • Book Length: 448 pages
  • Genre: YA contemporary


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Check out my Instagram and share your thoughts on this series!

About Emma Chastain

Emma Chastain is a graduate of Barnard College and the creative writing MFA program at Boston University. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and children.

Notes from a former virgin


Prize: Win all three books in the series


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