
Mid Year Update

June flew by, just like the beginning of this year. So here we are, halfway through 2017 celebrating the 4th of July with a weather perfect for BBQing and a day by the pool. It’s also the perfect time to think about what I wanted to accomplish at the beginning of the year and how to make the most out of what’s left of it.

Mid-Year Update



Ever Changing Blog

My blog has known a certain amount of changes since its creation. Every time I think I’ve found what works for me, I change it.


The more I dive into the universe of Creative Writing and Young Adult fiction, the more I find it addictive and the more my vision changes. My journey and my encounters drive my path and passion, and therefore my site reflects this journey of mine.


I’ll make some changes once I get my book to my critique partner, but I can almost see the tip of another milestone nearing, and I’m so excited to get there.


Build Your Tribe


Source: Frank McKinley https://www.facebook.com/groups/tribebuildersnetwork/


I also joined a group on Facebook that has been an inspiration. The members support me in a way that can only make me successful. Building your tribe is important, so if you’re still looking for one, feel free to join the Tribe’s Network Builder.


This tribe is full of bloggers and writers going through the same struggles as many of us. You should give it a try.


Keep Learning

Keep Learning. Nothing comes easy. You have to fight for what you want.

I’ve attended many webinars these past few months to help me understand how to make it all work for me. Joseph Michael and Tim Grahl offered either a free webinar or paid course on how to have a successful book launch.


Jeff Goins is a great resource for blogging, and Jane Friedman’s courses are a mine of gold, and the topics vary from blogging to publishing. I’m thankful for the wealth of information I gathered through their expertise for my blog, social media, or book.


I’m fortunate to be part of the Author’s Guild and Jane Friedman has been recently providing a free webinar every month. The webinars provide wonderful insights and practical tips to improve my blog and they also strengthen my understanding of the publishing industry.



This month, I’ll be a little quieter on my blog as I’m pushing through to finish my book. For my sanity, I need to get this story out and move on to the next step.


I’m very serious about doing it the right way, so I’m taking a bit of time, but I refuse to get it published before it’s as good as it can get. I’ll take the time needed, but I have no excuses and won’t procrastinate.


YA Reading Goals

While I went above my reading goal of 4 books last month, I did not complete it this month. With that said, I’m almost there. The main reason is that I was so sick, I couldn’t find the energy to get my head around it. There is nothing more frustrating than reading three times the same page because you’re feeling too sick to register what you’re reading.


For some reasons, it makes me think of Feyre in ACOTAR.


I’ve also joined a few book clubs that I love on Facebook. They’re great to tell me what’s the next book to read should be. I also use any information to figure out what’s the current trends in YA Fantasy.


Full-time writing

I’ve been writing full-time for almost two months now, and I still enjoy it very much. I wake up every morning happy to have the opportunity to do what I love. It’s a luxury, I know.


But, I also keep in the back of my mind that if I’m not serious about getting my book done, it’ll only be temporary. The prospect of losing that freedom is motivation enough for me to work relentlessly on it.


I love what I do and believe in my story. I love writing, the story, and the characters and how they evolve. My dream is to stay with them as much as I can and learn every day a little more on how I can make them even better.



So my goal is to complete this manuscript by September, so I can start querying and pitching it at the WD writing conference in October if the opportunity presents itself. I’m not sure yet if they’ll have like a pitch slam, but we shall see.


The idea of writing book two is starting to brew and hope to do NaNoWriMo in November while the story is still fresh in my mind. I’m afraid it won’t happen this way, but I’ll make sure to get as close as I can to this scenario.


What about you? How’s your plan for this year going so far? Any big project coming up?


[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Remember – Believe in yourself and push through the odds.[/tweet_box]


Thanks for reading! I’m a YA Fantasy writer who loves books beyond words. I’d love to hear about you. Connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.


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6 thoughts on “Mid Year Update”

  1. Great blog post. We’re in a similar position, soaking up every scrap of information out there to improve our craft. I am also looking to publish in September. I have commissioned a cover designer and she is working on the cover for the first book in the series. I can’t wait to have it. I am hopeful, it will keep me motivated.
    Now, to look for a good editor that won’t cost me my first born. LOL.
    I have also set up a new daily schedule. Get up an hour earlier, at 5 am, walk the dogs and then write at 6 am for a solid hour or two while most of the household is still asleep. Fingers crossed I can crack out the last 60,000 words in the next thirty days. No, pressure!
    I’m trying to find time to write a blog post at least once per week tracking my writing progress, amongst other things. We’ll see.

    1. Yes I hope I can find a good editor too. I know it’s going to cost an arm but at the same time I think this is a necessity to produce a book at a professional level and stand a chance!
      I love your schedule and the commitment! You can do this!! We can do this!!! 🙂

  2. I’m glad to hear you’re still enjoying being a full-time writer. I can imagine the goal of maintaining that freedom would be quite motivating. 🙂 Good luck finishing your manuscript by September.

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