Palace of Silver Hannah West

Meet The Character by Hannah West (Palace Of Silver) + US Giveaway – FFBC Tours

Palace of Silver, written by Hannah, is the third book in the Nissera Chronicles series. Published by Holiday House, this young adult fantasy will be released on Tuesday, April 28, 2020.

Today, I’m excited to host Hannah West on my blog. She will introduce her characters to you. 🙂 Also, get a sneak peek with the book excerpt. At the end of this post, there is a special offer, and a blog US giveaway and Instagram giveaway for a chance to win all 3 books in the series.

Thank you so much, Holiday House and FFBC, for having me on this tour and for the gifted copy. This “Meet the Characters” post is part of the FFBC tour.

Meet The Characters

Palace of Silver Hannah West Book cover

Hi FFBC followers! On this tour stop, I’m going to introduce the main characters of Palace of Silver, the third book in The Nissera Chronicles. Each book weaves fairy tales into the high fantasy world of elicromancers, immortal beings with varying magical gifts. This installment follows Glisette Lorenthi and Kadri Lillis – whom many of you may recognize as supporting characters in Realm of Ruins – and tips its hat to both Snow White and Bluebeard

Glisette Lorenthi 

Glisette is an elicromancer and one of four siblings in the royal bloodline of Volarre. Growing up wealthy, gorgeous, magical, and sharp-witted, she was accustomed to getting whatever she desired. However, when the tyrannical Moth King descended on the realm, she gave up the comfort and safety of her palace home to help overthrow him. She can generate ice and cold, a gift that came in handy during the battle at the Moth King’s tower. 

The trials of the journey helped refine her character, and though she is still imperious by nature, she is learning to be a just, wise, and selfless queen of Volarre. That becomes a bit more complicated when her people revolt against elicromancer rule and her troublesome sister starts dabbling in dark magic. 

Kadri Lillis 

Kadri is the daughter of an ambassador from Erdem, but has lived in Nissera for most of her life. After lending her exceptional archery skills to the quest to overthrow the Moth King, she has returned to marry her betrothed, who is now the king of Yorth. She believes she can do more to help powerless people as queen, yet she is in love with a fay woman named Rynna who lives in a sacred woodland dwelling where no outsiders can stay. 

Due to Kadri’s bright, kind, and diplomatic personality, she is well-suited to the task of ruling. But when she’s presented with the option to become more powerful than she’s ever dreamed – and immortal, like Rynna and everyone else she cares about – she faces a moral dilemma that could change the political dynamics of the realm…and anger the wrong people. 

Ambrosine Lorenthi Vasila 

Ambrosine, the oldest of the four Lorenthi children, has always been vain and recklessly extravagant, and those dangerous flaws brought economic troubles to the people of her home kingdom. Deprived of her mirror magic by the Realm Alliance and married off to King Myron of Perispos, she should have been done causing trouble for Glisette, who is still cleaning up her mess. 

But when Ambrosine encounters an ancient, dark power inside her mirror, she unites with evil and descends to new lows of villainy, persecuting the people of her new kingdom and terrorizing her new husband and stepdaughter. 

Severo Segona 

Severo is King Myron’s royal huntsman just like his late father before him. As the oldest of eight children, he is the primary provider for his family and feels grateful for the king’s favor. When it comes to elicromancers, however, his feelings are a little less warm. He’s wary of his new queen and her snobbish sister, who has surely come all the way from Nissera just to look down on all the mortals like him in Perispos and help drain the royal treasury. 

But he soon discovers that the sisters aren’t on good terms. After a violent altercation between the two elicromancer queens, Ambrosine orders Severo to take Glisette and the young Princess Navara to the woods and slay them. His family will die if he fails. 

Navara Vasila 

Navara is Ambrosine’s stepdaughter and the princess of Perispos. She is fiercely loyal to her father and her kingdom, but naive due to her young age. As she matures, her beauty inspires deep envy in Ambrosine, who begins to make her life miserable by manipulating her father and attempting to erase all traces of Navara’s dead mother. 

When Glisette arrives in Perispos, Navara sees a chance to turn the tables on her stepmother. Glisette is known for showing great bravery in helping to overthrow the elicromancer tyrant across the sea, and Navara believes the noble queen will stand up for her family and her people. But she is unprepared for how Ambrosine’s darkness has enhanced her magic, making her dangerously undefeatable – even by someone as powerful as Glisette. 

Synopsis – Palace of Silver by Hannah West

Palace of Silver Hannah West synopsis

Return to the land of Nissera, home to spectacular magic. An uneasy peace reigns now that Valory has vanquished the Moth King and settled into her rightful place as queen of Calgoran. New leaders Glisette and Kadri hope to usher the neighboring kingdoms into an era of healing and prosperity. All should be well.

But there’s a fourth queen in charge: Ambrosine, banished overseas to Perispos. Driven by vanity, she vows to become the most powerful and beautiful ruler in the world, even if it means oppressing the mortal kingdom she is meant to protect.

Meanwhile, a dangerous uprising led by elicromancer-hating rebels gains momentum. Rot spreads through the Forest of the West Fringe. Valory goes missing. Facing enemies on all sides, Glisette and Kadri must reckon with the role of magic. How far will they go to defend their power—and can they build an uprising of their own?

West intertwines homages to Snow White and Bluebeard with her imaginative magical setting for an exhilarating installment in the acclaimed Nissera Chronicles. Stunning hardcover edition includes a two-page map and family tree.

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Book Excerpt – Palace of Silver by Hannah West


About the author: Hannah West

Hannah West author

I’m the author of young adult books including The Nissera Chronicles series and The Bitterwine Oath. ​I’ve been writing fantasy since kindergarten when I penned my first tale about a princess who ran away and lived at the top of a flagpole with two loaves of bread.

But it wasn’t until I studied abroad in Orléans, France during college that the premise for my first novel materialized. The fairy tale castles, the snowy winter days, and a Disney princess pencil that arrived in a care package from my parents provided the inspiration that allowed me to wrangle all my untold and unfinished stories into a novel. 

I currently live in the Dallas area with my husband and our two rambunctious rescue dogs.

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Kingdom of Ash and Briars Hannah West



April 22, 2020 – May 6, 2020

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US Instagram Giveaway

Tour Schedule – FFBC TOURS

April 22nd

April 23rd

April 24th

April 25th

April 26th

April 27th

April 28th

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