The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award – 11 questions to answer and 11 Blogs nominated

The Liebster Award


The Liebster AwardLast Monday, I was nominated by the awesome Courtney at Paperback Beaches for the Liebster Award and would like to thank her. I appreciate it very much, so please make sure to check out her blog!


She had 11 questions for me, so I’ll do my best to answer all of them to the best of my ability.


The rules for the Liebster Award:


1 – Thank the person who nominated you.

2 – Answer the 11 questions they gave you.

3 – Nominate 11 blogs.

4 – Give them 11 questions to answer.


My Questions: 


1. What was the worst book you ever read or stopped reading?


Unfortunately (or fortunately), I don’t recall the name of the book, but it was an Indie romance book where both the writing and the main protagonist made me cringe. I had the feeling I was listening to someone with very sexist ideas at a bar talk rather than hearing a romantic story. It was a while ago.


2. What kid’s movie, were you scared of as a child, but like now?


I don’t recall any that scared me, except for horror movies. Maybe the Gremlins – not Gizmo, but the others.


3. What quote inspires you?


[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney[/tweet_box]


4. What is your least favorite and favorite blogging post and why?


I love reading articles that either discuss writing challenges or ways to hone your skills, or book reviews – as long as there is no spoiler involved.


I don’t particularly enjoy info dumping on articles or reading spoilers when I only want to get a feel for a book.


5. How do you promote your blog?


I promote my blog primarily through social media and guest posting. I’m also part of a group of bloggers on Facebook who are amazing at helping each other, and I also participate in a blog hop. I honestly believe that it’s about building a relationship with the other bloggers that help.


6. Where is your favorite place to read?


My favorite place is on my couch. I read everywhere I can on my phone. It’s becoming my number way of reading unfortunately, but with a kid, it’s not always easy to find time.


7. What are some things you haven’t seen or read, but know everything about because of popular culture?


Good question! The first thing that comes to mind is Star Wars. I probably watch one or two movies a very long time ago and barely remember anything, but I heard so much about it that I feel like I watched it over and over again, which is probably wrong.


8. How would someone describe your blogging style?


Good question! I mainly discuss the things that I encounter as a writer and reader, and that wished I’d known before. I love writing and reading, so it’s a mix of both. I do not review books though.


9. What do you find most challenging about blogging about your topic?


It’s a very competitive topic, but quite frankly, I’m writing because I enjoy it, so it doesn’t bother me.


10. What is the most ridiculous fact you know?


I have a few in mind, but I would say that the most ridiculous thing for me is that I can’t sneeze and open my eyes at the same time. Not sure why it bothers me, but it does. lol


11. In 40 years, what do you think people will be nostalgic for?


I’ve already nostalgic of quite a lot. LOL, it might be writing on a piece of paper or in a notebook. Hopefully not! I’m already guilty of writing more on a computer than on paper.


My Nominees: 


I’m thinking of a few more people, but I enjoy reading these blogs. I can’t wait to read your answers. 🙂


Ana Ana Talks Books

Lindsey Lindsey’s Book Blog

K.M. Allan K.M. Allan – Writer

Raimey Author Raimey Gallant

Deborah Deborah A. Knox

A.S. Akkalon A.S. Akkalon – Fantasy Author

Zaireen Sultana Lupa The Romantic Quill

Ashleigh Taylor Ashleigh Writes

M.L. Keller ML Keller- The Manuscript Shredder

Erika Beebe Cloud Nine Girl

Louise Dragonspire UK


My Questions for my Nominees:


1. If you could visit a character of a book you read, who would that be?

2. What genre do you most enjoy reading?

3. Do you prefer reading physical or electronic books?

4. What is your favorite movie, and why?

5. What was your favorite book in 2017?

6. If you could have magical abilities, what would you pick?

7. What kind of animal/creature/others would you want to have at home (one that does not exist)?

8. How would someone describe your blogging style?

9. What do you find most challenging about blogging about your topic?

10. What do you enjoy most about blogging?

11. What would be the book you would take with you on a deserted island?



Thanks for reading! I’m a Fantasy writer who loves books beyond words. I’d love to hear about you. Connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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2 thoughts on “The Liebster Award – 11 questions to answer and 11 Blogs nominated”

  1. My favourite reading place is on the couch too, with the cat on my lap.

    Thanks so much for the nomination! I’m going to have to think hard about some of these questions. 🙂

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