The Quest

Meet the Author of The Quest, Karina Kantas

Last week, I published a spotlight on Karina Kantas soon-to-be-released book, The Quest, a YA fantasy novel. The Quest is the second installment in the Illusional Reality duology, and will be released on Valentine’s day. Today, we’re back with an interview of the author where she discusses her writing process and challenges. She also gives new authors some advice.





The Quest



Can you tell us more about your writing process? What is the most challenging part for you?


I write down my dreams and story ideas on paper. Once I start putting the story together, I like sitting outside a coffee shop, watching people pass by and listening to music while I work. When the beginning of the book is ready, I’ll go onto the computer and type it up. This has been my way for the last 25 years. Pen to paper and then typing it up on the computer. 

The hardest part of the writing process is when you get blocked. You get stuck on a scene, and you know what’s coming after, you just can’t get from A to C. When this happens, I put the manuscript down and start working on something new. When my mind is allowed to forget about that story and then I pick it up again and read through it, I can see the mistakes, the plot holes and normally find that path that will lead me to C.


How do you prepare for a book tour? What do you enjoy and dread the most?


My book tours are virtual simply because I live in a small Greek village on the Island of Corfu. I would sign up with a promoter, send them a media pack which would involve. Images of my book cover, my profile picture, an ad graphic for the book. Then, there would be the books blurb, my bio, an excerpt from the book and a couple of quotes from reviews and add graphics and details for any prize draw or giveaway I was running.

I would also add the links to all my social media pages and website and links to where the public can buy my book. The promoter would then contact their bloggers and attach my media pack and then I wait to see which bloggers have posted, like and comment with a thank you on each of the blogs.


Who is your favorite character (among the ones you created) and why?


The QuestMy favourite character is Thya. She is the main character in the YA fantasy duology, Illusional Reality

Her name is Becky and she’s a hardworking marketing executive, single with not much of social life, But that all changes when she finds herself in Tsinia and learns that her life was a lie and she’s really the heir of this magical land.

Thya is a very stubborn and strong woman. She won’t be bossed around and it takes a long time for her to accept who she really is and take up her role as a ruler.

It’s when her kinsmen are threatened and attacked, that we see Thya step up and see how powerful she becomes. She has so much courage but doesn’t realise the sacrifice she makes. Once she has accepted the situation, she just gets on with the task in hand. She’s more frightened for her companions and kinsmen than she is for herself. I always leave a piece of me in my characters and for Thya I think it’s being headstrong and stubborn. 


What advice would you have for any new writers?


Don’t rush trying to get your work published. Make sure it’s polished, that you have a professional cover, and that your work has been formatted, edited, and proofread by professional (not your next door neighbour) And this is just as important. While you’re writing, make sure to start building your brand and creating a good social media presence.


What hobbies/passion do you have besides writing? 


In the summer months, I sing in a bar. I also host my own radio show called Author Assist, where I chat with authors about writing, their books, and the industry.





The QuestKarina Kantas is the author of the popular OUTLAW series. Thrillers involving outlaw motorcycle clubs and the highly rated romantic fantasy ILLUSIONAL REALITY. She also writes short stories and when her imagination is working overtime, she writes thought-provoking dark flash fiction.

There are many layers to Karina’s writing style and talent. As is displayed in her flash fiction collection, Heads & Takes. And in UNDRESSED she opens up more to her fans. Giving them another glimpse of her warped mind.

When Karina isn’t busy working on her next best seller, she runs affordable indie author services. KKantas AuthorAssist. Social Media Consultant, Book Trailer designer, Narration, Branding and Logo design, Marketing and Promotion Manager, design and VA.

Karina writes in the genres of fantasy, romance, sci-fi, horror, thrillers, and comedy.

Her inspirations are the author S.E.Hinton and the rock band Iron Maiden. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter, where she loves hanging out with her readers.



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Karina’s Blog
Amazon author page
Illusional Reality’s facebook page






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