Reborn Jenna Greene

Interview: Meet Jenna Greene, Author of Reborn (YA Dystopian)

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Today, I’m excited to host this Q&A with the author of Reborn, a YA Fantasy novel. In this post, Jenna Greene is answering a few questions about her writing, the book, and her creative process.

Now, let me introduce you to Jenna Greene.

Jenna Greene, Author of Reborn – Q&A

Reborn Jenna Greene book cover

What inspired you to write this story? 

The inspiration behind a story is always complex. The idea sparks in a writer, (as do a thousand other ideas) and then its the writer’s task to choose which story to tell, and how. When the inspiration for this story came, it brought with it a passion and insistence that I write it. This was a story that desperately needed to be told. I didn’t know why at the time.

Of course, hindsight is much better than foresight. This is a tale about connection to past lives. While I wrote it, my mother was battling cancer. I finished the first draft shortly after she passed. Thus, there is a lot of emotional ties in the book and to the book.

Describe your main character in 3 words.

Nurturing. Humble. Observant.

What was the most challenging part to write in this book?

Since this book deals with slavery, there are many parts which took a toll on my psyche. Characters are purchased like melons in a store, are neglected and abused, aren’t fed properly, and are seen as nothing more than property. There are several events of extreme abuse which are hinted at, because I couldn’t bear to write them fully.

What was your most favorite part and why?

The best part of this book is the bond between the three main characters. None of them are prepared for what they have to face, yet they endure, working off each others’ strengths and weaknesses. They are very human, and their affection for one another pulls them through very difficult situations. 

What’s a typical writing day for you?

I have a four year old daughter and a full-time job, so I write in the evenings and on the weekends. I find moments to daydream during the day, and that allows me to get my words on paper quickly once I do find a short span of time to write. 

Where do you like writing and why? Favorite snacks and/or beverage?

I can write on my bed, in the kitchen, on the couch. But I do best when I have a cup of tea nearby.

What was your last 5 star read and why?

I read “Into Thin Air,” about a horrific Everest climbing disaster in the 1990s. It was a different sort of read for me, as I rarely pick up non-fiction, but the story was written incredibly well and I was riveted by the reality of the book, as well as moments of heroism.

How would your main character fare with a stay at home order?

Lexil would do fine. She is a quiet, private person – a bit of an introvert. Finn and Ceera, our other important characters, wouldn’t be able to sit still that long.

What author or story inspired you growing up or inspired you in some ways?

All of them!

Is there anything you can tell us about the book that is not a spoiler and not on the blurb? Something you’d like to share with us?

I like characters that grow. There are books where the protagonist begins the story with great skills that they are aware of, but it is more likely in YA that the main character is a bit unsure of themself. They have strengths, but either don’t know what they are, don’t see them as strengths, or don’t yet understand how those strengths can help them in certain situations. Lexil is a character that grows and changes, gradually, through each page of the novel.

Reborn By Jenna Greene – Synopsis

Reborn jenna greene synopsis

Those who bear marks on their skin are doomed to a life of slavery. Lexil has seven. 

Sold into servitude, Lexil must deal with brutal punishments, back-breaking labor, and the loss of every freedom. When a young child she has befriended faces a horrible fate, Lexil must intervene to protect her, no matter what the risk. 

With the help of a boy named Finn, the trio flee into the Wastelands. There, they must evade those who hunt them while trying to survive a barren landscape. Lexil must face challenges she’s never imagined existed, all while learning what it means to truly be reborn. 

The Red Queen meets The Hunger Games in this stunning new release. Buy REBORN now to find out if being branded a reborn is a myth, a curse… or a destiny.


  • Author: Jenna Greene
  • Publisher: Amazon
  • Release Date: January 14, 2019
  • Book Length: 255 pages
  • Genre: YA Fantasy, Dystopian

About the Author – Jenna Greene

Jenna Greene is the author of the acclaimed Young Adult   Fantasy series, Imagine! She is a middle school teacher, dragonboat coach, enthusiastic dancer, and semi-professional napper. She lives in Lethbridge, Alberta with her husband (Scott), daughter (Olivia), and dog (Thor, dog of thunder).


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