Wrap up

February Wrap Up

This month flew by, but I’m closer to Day Light Saving and the prospect of getting more sun makes me happy. In my February wrap up, you’ll find an update on my reading and writing goals and the goals I set for myself for the following month. This month has been interesting. Quite a few unexpected things happened. Let’s see in detail what I mean…





wrap up


I started out this month really well, and then, I got sick again. I can’t stand the cold anymore. My body was not made for cold weather! Anyway, let’s talk about this month.


Books read:


This month’s TBR went down the rabbit hole. I did read books that are on my shelves so I consider this a win, but I’m far from my goal.


Here is the list of books read this month:

  • The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren – 5 stars (ARC)
  • When Summer Ends by Jessica Pennington – 5 stars (ARC)
  • Let’s get Textual by Teagan Hunter – 4 stars


Wrap up weekly wrap up www Wednesday


  • Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater – 5 stars
  • The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater – 4 stars


Blue Lily, Lily Blue www Wednesday


  1. The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren was such a great read. I highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Sophie Kinsella or Sally Thorne. This book guarantees a good laugh for sure.
  2. When Summer Ends was a fun YA Contemporary read, perfect for fans of Kasie West.
  3. Let’s get textual was more of a 4-star rating. I loved the banter and the text part of the book. A fun story.
  4. Finally, I read the last two books in the Raven Cycle series. This series will always hold a special place in my heart. I can’t wait for the next series. Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater was my favorite book.
  5. The Raven King by Maggies Stiefvater had the perfect ending for the series. Anyone who enjoys dark paranormal stories will enjoy this book.


I’m currently reading Sky Without Stars, and have two more arcs, Dark Shores and Storm and Fury that I need to read this month. So, they will be part of my March TBR.

You may follow my progress on Goodreads. Don’t hesitate to drop a link with your Goodreads or link to your January Wrap up in the comment so that I can check it out.


Pages Read 2019:


As for the Pages Read 2019 challenge, here is an update:

  • The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren – 416 pages
  • When Summer Ends by Jessica Pennington – TBD
  • Let’s get Textual by Teagan Hunter – 307 pages
  • Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater – 400 pages
  • The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater – 439 pages


As of now (minus the two ARCs I have no page count), I’ve read 2,194 pages so far toward my Pages Read 2019 Challenge. I definitely need to get some reading done next month.



Writing Achievements:


I’ve attended a seminar this month where my 10 first pages were critiqued by an agent. I wasn’t planning on attending, but I wanted to make sure that, before I start querying again, I did everything I could to give my pages a fair chance.

This seminar was a great experience. I received invaluable feedback. There are a couple of minor things I’m working on, but I started querying again. Querying takes a long time so ultimately, I didn’t write much this month.

The good part though is that I got ideas for my next book. This process gave me great material for the next book. I’m so excited about it.



I’m super proud of my February month because I posted almost every single day (25 out of 28 days). I never thought I would be able to pull this off. My stats reflect that increase, and I can’t help, but be proud of this.


Jan – 440

Feb – 1238

I started the month with 14 blog followers and I’m at 90 followers, which seems insignificant, but it’s a lot for me (especially in only one month). Thank you!!!




Next month’s goals:


So, my goal for next month is to read at least 7 books, including a minimum of 3 arcs. I also need to read at least 3 books that are already on my shelf. I have received great books in February. I will have to create a post on this.

As for writing, I’d like to write at least 20K words for book 2. This time, I mean it!

Finally, I want to publish a minimum of three blog posts per week. I crushed it last month, but I’m not sure I can keep this up. Time will tell.



Very excited about this month! A lot of great things happened. I did not reach all my goals, but that’s ok. The detour was worth not reaching my goals.


What about you? Have you reached your goals? What’s your takeaway from this month?


Happy Reading and Happy Writing all!


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6 thoughts on “February Wrap Up”

  1. wow you have read so much – as well as posting on your blog nearly the whole month!! well done you 🙂

    The unhoneymooners sound really fun – I do like Soophie Kinsella

    Good luck with the queries with agents – I hope everything works out!

    also good luck with writing in March. I’ve abandoned my novel but I need to get back onto it!


    1. Thank you! I didn’t intend to post every day but I enjoyed it. I hope my writing and querying will do better this month.
      Good luck on your novel too! It is a long process. Don’t give up! 😊

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