Fantasy map

Fantasy Map: Bring your world to life.

Fantasy map   Writing a novel is such a hard endeavor that I believe we should always take advantage of the little things. I’m currently writing a YA fantasy novel (well, it’s written and querying very soon). My editor suggested creating a Fantasy map to bring clarity to the story, which is always a concern when you write epic fantasy, and the targets are young adults. Or even adults. The world only exists in your mind. You then bring it to life on paper, but adding a visual is the ultimate step/joy. If you think about it, you spend hours and hours building this world before you even start writing the story. Your imagination knows only the boundaries that your own mindset. You can create lands, oceans, people, cultures, creatures, and so much more. Seeing this world being shaped is like bringing a child to this world (minus the delivery, pain, and morning sickness lol but you see my point). I cherish mine, and I’m sure you love yours too. Yesterday, I asked some fellow bookworms on Instagram if they looked at the map while reading Fantasy novels. Out of 36 bookworms, 35 voted, “Yes.” I also look at the map provided. It helps me better understand the story. So, why not treat yourself with a map? I did. Looking at the final product–the map of my world–is such a wonderful feeling.   When I looked into it, I realized I could go different ways.  

– Buy a Fantasy map building software and Do it yourself

The problem here is that I’m not that skilled. Mastering a new software takes time. At this point, I have neither the time nor motivation to spare. I also doubt that I could offset the cost of the software using it only once or twice. This is just not my thing. Some might take that route, and I can only commend this.  

– Be crafty and Do it yourself

There are many books/tutorials online that explain how to do it, and I sketched my map so many times that I know exactly where things are. Now, that’s great, but I’m sure you’ll agree, taking a picture of a sketch isn’t professional unless you’re gifted. I am not. I could only compete with my preschooler with my drawings.  
Fantasy map
[tweet_dis]Build your own world. Create a map, and bring clarity to your story.[/tweet_dis]

– Contact a professional for your Fantasy map

At this point, I knew I wanted to contact an expert, but let’s be real here. I don’t have a lot of money to spare, so I had to be reasonable about it. I quickly realized how expensive this idea could become, so I decided I need an alternative.  

– Find another alternative

There are many affordable options actually:

– Upwork:

You can have freelancers bid on your project. The range in prices is pretty broad, so the best way to go about it is to ask what they would charge. You can then decide what is reasonable, what you can afford.  

– Fiverr:

You can look up for people who create maps for a living. The price is already known upfront. There are qualified individuals on this site. I had mine done by someone named Carlos Paludi also known as “Exoniensis,” who has been amazing throughout the process. The first step was to send him a sketch, and he worked on it. I made myself available so he could ask any questions. He was very responsive and never once complained about all the changes I requested. In 24 hours, I had a black and white map that I adore. I would recommend him. (I don’t know him beyond this one gig, and you are free to pick whoever you feel comfortable with and vetted beforehand. I’m only talking about him because he did an excellent job for me at a reasonable price.). Click here to see his gig if you’re interested. Make sure to discuss your requirements first with whoever you want to work with and make sure both of you are on the same page. It’s important!   I’m sure there are other ways to go to have a map done, but this is what I found. Don’t hesitate to share if you have more ideas.  
  Adding this map inside my book brought me so much joy. I feel like it was the final piece to make this world alive. As writers, we work hard to give the story the best we can so there are these moments when you feel rewarded. I think the next best thing for me will be to hold this book in my hands.    

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