
7 things you can’t do with an e-Book reader

When I wrote about the advantages of an e-book reader, I was thinking about how true it was, but also about the fact that despite everything, I would (like many) still prefer print books. Why? Simply because there are things you cannot do with an e-Book reader. So I’m closing the loop here with a few thoughts…

Seven things you can’t do with an e-book reader



#1 – Smell the book!


bookWithout being a weirdo, smelling a book is a must, a ritual, or a mandatory rite of passage, if you will. If you don’t do it, it’s like crossing a rose garden holding your breath. It doesn’t make sense unless you’re allergic. I guess in that case, you indeed have a good excuse. Otherwise, this is the first step in getting to know the book that will lead you to your next adventure. Don’t ruin the experience and smell the book when you have a chance. You won’t be called a weirdo, I promise, or at least not by me! We all do it (I think!).


#2 – Turn the page!


I know what some of you will say: E-readers do require you to swipe to turn the page, but it is still NOT the same. First, the gesture of actually turning the page takes a lot more efforts than swiping. Second, you miss out on feeling the softness of the pages on your fingertips, which enhances the experience of reading.


With that said, e-Readers do guarantee a paper cut free experience, but where’s the fun in that? Lol, I like to think it’s some kind of unspoken thrill for a book lover… Or not.


#3 – Have a physical point of reference


The e-reader provides a percentage that will give you an idea of where you’re at in the story, but again, it’s still NOT the same. When you hold the book, your hands also tell the book’s story. No need to check on the screen, you are right there with the book. It will tell you which way is bigger and give you a sense of where you are and how much happened.


Plus, when the right side gets thinner, it increases the dread of turning the remaining pages because something terrible might happen to your favorite characters at the very last page, and also because you may not want the story to end.


#4 – Never lose access to the story


You probably noticed, but you don’t need to plug a book, which is very convenient. You never have to worry about your battery running low and having to cut short on a reading session. Not being able to read the end can be very frustrating!


e-book reader


Books are reliable friends and won’t let you down… unless you go in the pool with them, leave them near a toddler, or feed them to your dog. But, that would be on you.


#5 – Be creative


bookI recently started to use Instagram (@l.m.durand), and I’m mesmerized by what some book lovers are capable of putting together. They take pictures of books in such a creative way that it makes you want to read it. The creativity is endless. I mean I’ve seen bookshelves looking like a rainbow. Stunning! It’d be hard to take a creative picture with either a photo of the bookshelf of your e-Reader or a bookshelf of e-readers. Well, maybe it’s possible, but a hardcover copy of a book is simply irreplaceable.


#6 – Borrow it to a friend


It’s truly hard (impossible?) to borrow an e-book with a friend without taking the device with you. I used to exchange books with friends a long time ago. First, I was on a budget and couldn’t buy everything, and second, it was a way to try out books that I wasn’t sure I would like. I would not have bought them just to see if it would work out for me. I guess you can always go to a library or make friends with a hardcover or paperback book lover in that case.


#7 – Take a peek at the end!


Wait, what? No, I’ve never done that before! But, for the sake of it, let’s say you’re in the middle of the story and not sure if a character is going to make it (or if two characters are going to end up together…). Well, it’s hard with an e-reader to quickly flip through the book to see if his/her name appears towards the end…


Again, I’ve never done that (lol), but in case someone was tempted to do it. It’s much harder to do it on an e-Reader.


Bonus: Here is another thing you can’t do with e-readers…



Whether or not you prefer reading on an e-reader or a print book is entirely up to you. Reading is fundamental to become a good writer. Read as much as you can, and not only the books you feel comfortable reading. Always keep in mind that you will learn more going outside of your comfort zone. Becoming a good writer isn’t easy.


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