Category Archives: News & Blog Updates

Starting off the year with the right resolutions…

resolutions 2017


How many of you started a year with a lot of great resolutions and miserably failed at most or all of them? I’m raising my hand right now and pretty sure quite a few of you did too.


We all have been down this path before, and we don’t seem to learn from our mistakes as we follow this pattern every year. Eventually, some of us stop, and some persist in hopes of success.

Continue reading Starting off the year with the right resolutions…

Quick update: My interview by The Phantom Writer – November 1st, 2016

L.M. Durand's interviewGood Afternoon everyone,

I wanted to say Thank You to The Phantom Writer for interviewing me. This has been a fun experience.

The interview provides a brief summary of my background and I also discuss my current work-in-progress, a Young Adult Fantasy novel.




Continue reading Quick update: My interview by The Phantom Writer – November 1st, 2016