Category Archives: News & Blog Updates

2020 Year review – What happened, Lessons Learned and New Plan

Banner year review 2020

I believe it’s safe to say that 2020 is a year we’ll all remember and we’re all happy it came to an end. This year, we all proved how vulnerable, resilient, and adaptable we can be when facing adversity. I’ve always considered myself to be an optimist, someone who always tries to look at the bright side even when things go to sh#*! But even I can say that things got a bit intense this year.

So today, instead of reviewing a book, I decided to review this year. Yep! I’m doing it! Also, I’ve decided to write what I’ve learned from this year and what my plan will be for this new year. Told you I like to look at the bright side… I do not lie. 🙂

Continue reading 2020 Year review – What happened, Lessons Learned and New Plan

July 2020 Wrap Up + August 2020 TBR + Stats

July was a bit brutal for me. End of June and almost all July, I was under a lot of stress and got into a reading slump. So I did what I usually do, I take some very much needed me time (minimum presence online and on social media) and I read a lot of romance novels. I’m not sure why, but it helps me every time.

Let’s see how I did in July…

Continue reading July 2020 Wrap Up + August 2020 TBR + Stats

April 2020 Wrap Up + May 2020 TBR + Blog Tours + Stats

April 2020 Wrap Up

Hello book lovers, How was your (very long) month of April? Did you do anything fun? Did you have time to get some more reading done? April has been a long and quick month. I had a lot on my plate with 3 birthdays (including mine 🙂 ) to organize and work and homeschooling. Despite everything, April was a good month compared to March and I’m excited to tell you all about it.

In April, I read…

Continue reading April 2020 Wrap Up + May 2020 TBR + Blog Tours + Stats

Q1 2020 Blog Stats – numbers for the past 3 months

Q1 2020 blog stats banner

In the spirit of transparency, I wanted to share with you my blog stats. I truly started blogging consistently in January 2019, which makes this YA book blog a year old. I’m truly happy with how it’s grown and hope to grow even more in the months to come. Here is a snippet.

Continue reading Q1 2020 Blog Stats – numbers for the past 3 months

March 2020 Wrap Up and April 2020 TBR + Blog Tours

March 2020 wrap up

Oh! March… It has been an interesting month. A month where I started working from home, homeschooling, and basically establishing a new routine during this trying time. One could think I would have more time being home, but that is far from reality. So, let’s see how it impacted my reading.

In March, I read…

Continue reading March 2020 Wrap Up and April 2020 TBR + Blog Tours

Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/30/2019)

Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.

Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/30/2019)

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/27/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/27/19)

Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/23/2019)

Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.

Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/23/2019)

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/20/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/20/19)

February 2019 Book Haul – Part 2 (ARCs approved through NetGalley)

Last week, I shared with you all the books I purchased, but this is is my February 2019 Book Haul post for the arcs I was approved to read last month. Too many great deals and arcs… So this post is part two – Arcs approved through NetGalley.

Continue reading February 2019 Book Haul – Part 2 (ARCs approved through NetGalley)

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/13/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/13/19)

February 2019 Book Haul – Part 1 (books purchased)

Another month went by way too fast. I was a little sick, but it was better than last month for sure. So, this is my February 2019 Book Haul post. This month took me by surprise. Too many great deals and arcs… So I decided to break this post in two – Books purchased and Arcs. This post is about the books I purchased.

Continue reading February 2019 Book Haul – Part 1 (books purchased)

Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/9/2019)

Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.

Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/9/2019)

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/6/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (3/6/19)

February Wrap Up

This month flew by, but I’m closer to Day Light Saving and the prospect of getting more sun makes me happy. In my February wrap up, you’ll find an update on my reading and writing goals and the goals I set for myself for the following month. This month has been interesting. Quite a few unexpected things happened. Let’s see in detail what I mean…


Continue reading February Wrap Up

Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/2/2019)

Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.

Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (3/2/2019)

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/27/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/27/19)

Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/23/2019)

Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.

Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/23/2019)

NetGalley: 3 Promising eARCs Approved Today – Expect a review soon!

I received an amazing surprise today. NetGalley informed me that the 3 eARCs I had requested have been approved. Guess who’s going to do a lot of reading this weekend and in the upcoming week. This girl, right here!!!  😉 So, let me show you these beauties.

Continue reading NetGalley: 3 Promising eARCs Approved Today – Expect a review soon!

Cover Reveal : The Girl The Sea Gave Back by Adrienne Young

Today, I saw the cover reveal of a few upcoming YA releases. And… I may or may not have squealed like a little girl when I saw the cover of The Girl The Sea Gave Back by Adrienne Young. I will not confirm either way. Anyway, I want to share this fantastic cover with you, hoping you may or may not squeal the way I did… 😉

Continue reading Cover Reveal : The Girl The Sea Gave Back by Adrienne Young

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/20/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/20/19)

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is Books with Fewer than 2,000 ratings on Goodreads that I loved. I must say this was not easy but I managed to gather some real little gems here.

Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Books I LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads

Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/16/2019)

Happy Saturday All! This is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.

Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/16/2019)

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/13/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/13/19)

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Couples in Young Adult Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is Favorite Couples in books, and narrowing it down to ten will not be easy. I always enjoy reading a good romance no matter the genre of the book, but this week, I’m adding a little twist to the theme by narrowing it to Young Adult (YA).

Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Couples in Young Adult Books

Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/9/2019)

Happy Saturday All! I read a ton of blog posts each week, and this is Top 5 Saturday, a post where I share five posts that stood out for me this week. These posts are primarily helpful, funny, or inspiring in nature. Blogging is time-consuming, and stumbling upon this little gems is golden. So, without further ado, let’s see what caught my eyes.

Continue reading Top 5 Saturday – My Top Five Best Blog Posts (2/9/2019)

January 2019 Book Haul

As you may know, January was a slow month for me as far as reading goes. I was sick for most of the month, but it did not stop me from buying some amazing books. So, this is my January 2019 Book Haul post. I’ve been reasonable this month in comparison with December simply because my goal this year is to bring my TBR down a bit, starting with the books that I already own.

Continue reading January 2019 Book Haul

WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/6/19)

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and was formerly hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate, even without a blog. The only thing you need to do then is to comment on Sam’s post with your own answers. It is a fantastic way to share what you’ve been reading! If you’re ready, answer these three questions and share the link to your blog in the comments section of her blog.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday – Weekly Reading Update (2/6/19)

Top Ten Tuesday: Upcoming Releases I’m On the Fence About

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is Upcoming Releases I’m On the Fence About. These are the books I need help deciding whether or not they’re worth adding to my TBR. So if you’ve read any of them, let me know.

Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Upcoming Releases I’m On the Fence About

My Five Most Anticipated Young Adult Releases – February 2019

Per Goodreads, there will be sixty-one new Young Adult (YA) released novels this month, and narrowing it down to five is a real challenge. Whether it’s Fantasy or contemporary, this list has extraordinary gems listed. January wasn’t kind to me, so I hope to add these five most anticipated Young Adult releases to my TBR this month, and drastically improve my Pages Read 2019 Challenge.

Continue reading My Five Most Anticipated Young Adult Releases – February 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This is my first time participating, and I’m super excited to join the fun. This week’s topic is The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List.

Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List

2019 Book Challenge – Pages Read 2019

A few days ago, I stumbled upon this book challenge, hosted by The Dragon’s Book Lair while reading other book bloggers’ posts. Pages Read 2019 sounds super fun, and I decided to give it a try. I’ve never done a collective book challenge before, so this new bookish endeavor should be interesting. My last attempt, the December book challenge, was an epic fail after getting super sick, but this one is different.

What is this book challenge about? Pages Read 2019 says it all in its title, but let’s dive into the specifics. It’s fun, I promise. 🙂

Continue reading 2019 Book Challenge – Pages Read 2019

Giveaway – Here is a chance to get a book of your choice on me!

GIVEAWAY – Enter for a chance to win a Barnes and Noble Gift Card. Two Winners!




This is the last giveaway I’ll be running for this year to celebrate the Holidays, NaNoWriMo and you awesome readers! The giveaway will start today, November 6th at 12:00 pm PST and will end on 11/30 at 12:00pm PST.


There will be two winners, and the prize is a $25 Barnes and Noble Gift card. In other words, it’ll be a book or two on me. Due to the nature of the prizes, it’ll be US only (Sorry!). Please see full rules on the Raflecopter link below. Please no giveaway accounts. This is meant for readers of this blog and lovers of books.


The winners will be contacted when the giveaway ends. The names should appear on the website within 48 hours after the winners replies back to me.


a Rafflecopter giveaway



I wish you all good luck, and thank you for being awesome! Can’t wait to start a new year with you all.


Thanks for reading! I’m a Fantasy writer who loves books beyond words. I’d love to hear more about you. Connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

If you enjoyed the post, make sure to hit the “like” button below, leave a comment, and share on Social Media.

Also, enter your email to access my monthly newsletter and receive an e-Book where I’ll give you simple steps on how to build a Twitter Platform with the right audience for you.



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Giveaway: Enter for a chance to win the September Unicorn Crate Book Box

One Year!! YAY! It’s time to celebrate. I wanted to thank you all for making this possible, and created this giveaway as a Thank you.




Whether to indulge yourself or to treat a family member or a friend, this is for you.


Enter for a chance to win the September Unicorn Crate Book Box, a YA Fantasy book box.


Here are the details on the prize:



Here is the details provided by The Unicorn Crate:

☆ Get ready for adventure, dark magic, avalanches, ice chasms, sheer rock faces, ghosts … and many other fascinating magical creatures.

☆ The book featured in this crate is an action-packed debut fantasy (the first in a duology) in a gorgeous setting. I cannot wait for the second book! Set in a fictional kingdom reminiscent of Nepal, it is inspired by both Eastern mythology and the early climbers of Mount Everest. I recommend this book to all ya fantasy fans, and especially fans of Philip Pullman, Cindy Pon, and Alison Goodman. This is a truly unique book in the genre and I am so psyched to bring it to you guys in the crates! It is about a teen girl who is hired as a mountain-climbing guide for a mysterious and eccentric explorer and is faced with climbing the most dangerous peak in her world. She is in direct competition with her own sister, and embarks on a journey you won’t soon forget. 

☆ This box will be packed with items relating to this theme and the featured book (signed book plate and letter from the author will also be included). There will be at least 6 items and one of the items will be Lord of the Rings related!


How to enter – See Below:

I’m sorry for all international readers. This giveaway is for US only, and you must be 18 or older. Full terms and conditions are available below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I started this blog a year ago, and I’m very excited to pursue this journey with you all.


Thanks for reading! I’m a YA Fantasy writer who loves books beyond words. I’d love to hear about you. Connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

If you enjoyed the post, make sure to hit the “like” button below, leave a comment, and share on Social Media.

Also, enter your email to access my monthly newsletter and receive an e-Book where I’ll give you simple steps on how to built a Twitter Platform with the right audience for you (I have now 27K followers and it only took me a few months).



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The Liebster Award – 11 questions to answer and 11 Blogs nominated

The Liebster Award


The Liebster AwardLast Monday, I was nominated by the awesome Courtney at Paperback Beaches for the Liebster Award and would like to thank her. I appreciate it very much, so please make sure to check out her blog!


She had 11 questions for me, so I’ll do my best to answer all of them to the best of my ability.

Continue reading The Liebster Award – 11 questions to answer and 11 Blogs nominated

7 things you can’t do with an e-Book reader

When I wrote about the advantages of an e-book reader, I was thinking about how true it was, but also about the fact that despite everything, I would (like many) still prefer print books. Why? Simply because there are things you cannot do with an e-Book reader. So I’m closing the loop here with a few thoughts…

Continue reading 7 things you can’t do with an e-Book reader

On Finding Inspiration and Mosquitos

This past month has been chaotic from a writing perspective. After an entire month abroad, I’m back. Honestly, I’m happy I went there because I desperately needed some “me time.” I had reached a point where pushing forward was very difficult.


Reunion IslandAs you may know, I’ve been living in the U.S. for a very long time now, but I’m originally from a small French island called Reunion Island. It’s a beautiful Island (somehow similar to Hawaii). So, I decided to go there to see my family, but also to take a much needed break. While it was nice to be with my friends and family, I used that time to find inspiration, peace, and the strength  to push again.


I also visited the island as if for the first time, experiencing or looking at the sceneries with fresh eyes.  After 6 years away, it was a fun experiment and I like challenging myself or try new things.


Here are a few things I’ll share from this trip.


What I particularly enjoyed:



I rekindled with French coffee, tiny yet so strong they could wake up the dead. They are like tiny prepackaged walking bombs. You drink one, and I can assure you that you look like you just took a shot of vodka. In other words, you’re ready for the day.

Reunion Island


I probably wouldn’t recommend that for the faint of heart.



I’m a foodie, and I enjoy all sorts of food but the food there is to die for. Of course, you need to love rice, and I do.


The fruit tastes so much better. It’s like an explosion of flavor in your mouth. I had to go on a diet the last week. It was that bad (or that good)!!! Well, it did not feel like a diet. Whatever I ate, it was delicious.



Reunion IslandSince 2010, the center of the Island (about 40%) is home to a Unesco World Heritage Site. I mean it gives you an idea of how beautiful the island is (Ok! I might be biased, but I assure you it’s beautiful). I found so much inspiration for my book there.




While I speak the creole there, I was a little concerned my kid would get even more confused, but that did not seem to bother him one bit. It was quite funny. He said hi or talked to them in English or French depending on the mood of the day. He got a few blank stares, but most of them were really kind with him.

 Reunion Island


Nothing’s perfect, so there were also a few things that weren’t ideal. 



Reunion IslandSharks are a real issue there, but it didn’t bother me too much because you have a few authorized places you can go swimming without any problems.


As far as I’m concerned, you’re also talking to the girl, who until she was 3, wouldn’t put her feet in the sand because it was sticky (Lol). I commend my mother for everything I put her through. I never really like the beach up until I was a teenager. It was kind of an annoying situation especially when you live on a tropical island.



Reunion IslandI think my skin developed some sort of natural repellent because they weren’t interested in me. It’s almost like I was old news (labeled already tasted, been there, done that), but I could see them lurking at night. They wanted fresh blood and were ready to do anything to get it. In other words, my kid was the perfect candidate – tender and sweet.

As a concerned mother, I ended up spending a lot of time with insect repellent in my hand chasing down my little boy. Towards the end of our stay, he thought I was playing with him and really made me run for it. My cardio was right there. It probably contributed to the fact I got here without any additional pounds.




As wonderful as my vacation was, reality is catching up with me now. Whether it’s about writing my book or posting on my blog, I haven’t been consistent. Needless to say, it’s never good to do so.




Would I do it again? Leaving an entire month without posting a thing? Probably not… Definitely not.


Am I getting something out of it? Absolutely! We usually learn best the hard way, right?


What exactly did I learn? Well, mainly three things. 


 1. Always be organized.

Learning to plan ahead of time is sometimes a challenge. I let myself lose track of priorities. As much as possible, you need to anticipate time off and schedule what’s needed, so you don’t lose any momentum.


2. Find a way to make it work!

We all have a set of excuses ready to go whenever we can’t find time. I wouldn’t go to a store the day before Christmas for obvious reasons – the principle is the same. Don’t wait last minute to do what’s needed. It’ll allow room for unforeseen events to happen without unpleasant consequences.


3. If necessary, relax but let everyone know.

We all know: Life happens. When it does, there’s nothing you can do. Let everyone know that you’ll take some time off because that is ok.



Reunion Island That’s my takeaway from this trip in a nutshell and, now that I’m back in California, I started writing full time. This is a nice change of pace, but I did not think I would have so much to do. My days are flying by so fast.


I guess that means I’m having fun…




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Writing isn’t a walk in the park

When you start writing a book, you quickly realize that writing is only a tip of the iceberg. Writing a book means you are not only a creative writer, but you’re also a business entrepreneur, a PR, a Salesperson, and even a Publisher in some instances.

[tweet_dis_img]becoming a writer[/tweet_dis_img]

As if writing, itself, wasn’t hard enough, there are a few things to know when you start writing a book. For starter, you must learn all the intricacies of the industry. And, even if you’re ready to take on that challenge, you’ll have to keep pushing yourself to go above and beyond. In this situation, it is beneficial to rely on a strong support system, but unfortunately, not everyone will have this shoulder to lean on. This profession can get lonely at times.


Have you ever heard someone tell you that writing was a waste of time, that it won’t pay the bills? Did anyone ever say you were foolish and that your writing isn’t good enough, and that no one will ever be interested?


Sounds familiar? You’re not alone.


At the end of the day, people won’t always be supportive. Criticism is easy, especially for individuals who don’t get it.


I mean, how do you explain that you need to write like you need to drink water? How do you make them see that this is important to you? Really, how can you make people see that?


As far as I’m concerned, the answer is “You don’t.”


And, this is the hard part. Convincing them that you need to write is going to take time and energy. Don’t ruin your efforts and energy; use that time wisely.


Write instead.


One day, it’ll pay off. Keep doing what you do with passion and stick to it. There are many proponents to writing on a daily basis, and I’m one of them, even if in reality I can’t seem to apply this principle. Ultimately, you need to prepare yourself. Jeff Goins said in a training video that to succeed, we need to be in the right mindset. I had never thought of this before, but he is right.


So what does it take to be a writer? What are the attributes needed?


[tweet_dis_img]becoming a writer[/tweet_dis_img]

I thought about it and wondered what being a writer teaches you and requires.




To be a writer is to look at fear in the eyes and say I’ll do it. There are so many mental barriers to break. Fear of failing, not being good enough, being criticized, or not being heard. The list is long. I’m not even scratching the surface.


Money is also an issue. How will you pay the bills if it doesn’t work? Many stick with their job and progress is so slow that the motivation fades. Some may quit before time and realize that they were not prepared. The modern world seems to be in a hurry, and you need to keep the pace. So, being a writer is to be comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone.


Social Skills

becoming a writer

Writers aren’t known for being outgoing individuals. I’m no exception. Of course, there are always a few exceptions. I’ve heard amazing speeches from a few authors at writing conferences, and I command them. I don’t enjoy public speaking or even the simple act of asking for anything. It isn’t in my DNA, but I’m working on it.


With that said, this community is full of awesome writers, authors, and bloggers. It’s worth the efforts. You make friends, learn faster, and get a fantastic support.



Learn to accept critiques (good or bad), be open to the possibility you’re doing something wrong, or there is simply a different way of doing it that may be better. Critiques aren’t fun, but it’s a necessary evil to progress.


Also, never be afraid to kill your darlings! The story is what matters. Let it be what it should, and don’t keep anything you like that is a disservice to the story.



Writing is a long-term commitment. You need to feel strongly about what you write, or there is no chance you’ll get to the end. It takes months, even years, to write a book.


Imagine if J.K. Rowling did not like Harry Potter, she would be seriously screwed to have to hear all about it 10 years later… That’s just an example, but no matter if you’re selling your book successfully or not, it will take time to write it.



becoming a writer

Some stories feel more real than if it had happened in real life, and that’s because of the writers’ ability to create that moment. Depending on what you write, reading specific materials or interviewing people are essential to be true to your story. All the research is solely conducted to bring truths in your writing.


I talked about how important reading was to become a good writer. Reading is a wonderful way to learn how to write, get ideas, and find out more about your theme.

A writer is always seeking that idea that will make the story even better.


Hard work and Discipline


Both goes without saying. Write every day! Write even when you don’t feel like it, and this is hard. I’m not afraid of challenges, and I love writing, but, with a family and a full-time job, I’m always exhausted. Finding motivation, when your body and brain beg for a nap, is rough.


With that said, discipline and hard work go together. There is no shortcut.




You have to have some of it, but beware of too much as well. Good work will need countless revision, but you need to recognize that your book is ready for publishing. Do not rush and do not procrastinate. There is a delicate balance to reach that practice and reading will provide over time.



Writing a book is an incredible feeling. Read and write a lot. When you’re passionate about it, the thrill is addictive. Of course, there will be ups and downs, but your ability to overcome the struggle by displaying these attributes will make the experience worth every sweat.


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The 5 things I’ve learned by challenging myself with a 3-day cleanse.

Have you ever looked at a mountain so steep you thought it was too difficult to hike? Have you ever stopped in the middle of writing thinking you would never get published? Have you ever been so tired of a situation you wonder what the point is?


I have, many times.


When I look at my journey, I have my moments of doubts. A lot of them. I sometimes feel ridiculous or wonder why I even bother. I love writing beyond anything. It’s therapeutic at so many levels, but sharing with the world is making me step out of my comfort zone. Whether it’s about you or not, writing is always personal. You’re afraid of what people might think, and maybe you’re just making a fool of yourself.


There is always this moment when your stomach knots, and you doubt yourself enough to give up on your dreams. That very moment is what I’ve been working on.


So what will it take to make the difference between making an attempt or going the distance?


challenge yourselfFor me, it’s hard work, but also the ability to look at your fear in the eyes and make it walk away. But, that’s not something that is easy to do. Experience and knowledge help you build that confidence.


So, a few days ago, I decided to take on a new challenge to help get there. Another one, I should say! As if having a full-time job, a family, a book to write, and a blog wasn’t enough… 😉


I could have picked anything, but I wanted to do something I had never done before.


So here it is.


I LOVE eating, so the idea alone of not eating solid food for 3 days terrifies me. So, this is exactly what I decided to do. I won’t lie. I highly doubted I could be a happy camper during these 3 days, but I also knew I needed to do this, for me.


My husband had done something similar a few months back, and I decided to do it too. He and I signed up for the 3-day Blueprint cleanse.



What is a Blueprint cleanse?


The cleanse consists of drinking 6 juices in a specific order throughout the day. You purchase them online, and the company ships them to you overnight. There are a few rules to know. You need to prepare your body a few days before to avoid a brutal change by eating mainly veggies and fruits. During the 3-day cleanse, you can only drink water, herbal tea, or green tea. There are a few cheats offered, but let’s not go there. It’s a challenge, right? No gain, no pain.


Why am I really doing this?


There were a lot of reasons why I wanted to do this. This choice is VERY unlike me. I LOVE food, and I mean it. I’m the kind of person who thinks “Who the heck in his right mind would want to do this?” And, this is exactly why I did this. I wanted to push myself and see how much willpower I had.


challenge yourself
Let’s not kid ourselves – That was never me!


I grew up always thinking I was weak, that I couldn’t do as much as the others. I spent more time indoor than outdoor, and I get tired easily. Also, I’ve never been consistent with any sports, so I’m trying to make a positive change in my life. My goal is to break the cycle, and I convinced myself I was stronger than I thought.


I used to think I would never be able to write a book. My perspective has changed, and I want to prove myself that we can do anything if we put our mind into it.  That’s why I decided to challenge myself by doing something I didn’t think I could do.


Also, I’ve been sick almost all January, but that may be because I work from home. I’m less exposed to germs. So, when I encounter one, I can hear it say “Hey there, how is it going?” I know it’s for me.




Anyway, I decided it was time for me to get healthier and give a boost to my metabolism. I felt it in my bones it was the right thing to do.


So here I was contemplating my so-called food for the next 3 days with this voice shouting in my head: YOU CAN DO IT!!!


What did I learn?


#1 – Food is everywhere

Seriously, you have to stop eating to realize how surrounded we are by food. Everywhere I went, I could either see or smell food. Take your phone or your computer, and look at how many pictures of food your friends have posted. All the commercials are about food. This is ridiculous!


I have a kid I needed to feed, so not only I had to either get food or make dinner for him, but I also had to sit next to him while he was eating. Real question for you: Do you know how slow a three-year-old kid eats???? It’s like watching a snail and a turtle complete a lap and do a backflip on its way back, or better, talking to the sloth in Zootopia. Yes, that slow!


It was excruciating even though the juices were filling, so I wasn’t that hungry, but still.


#2 – I don’t like green juices, but who does?

challenge yourselfMy husband, I guess. For him, this cleanse was a piece of cake. I love smoothies, in general. They’re good for you, but I always prefer the juices made of fruit. I‘ve never really loved green juices, so try to drink 3 of them a day for 3 days, and you’re not that hungry anymore.


On day 3, I was in the kitchen with the bottle on the counter in front of me. I stared at that bottle for a while before making myself drink it. A lot went through my mind, but ultimately, my stomach roared, so I had no choice.


At some point, I even had a happy moment when I thought I had drunk the whole thing, but then, realized it was my husband’s bottle, and I still had a quarter to go… Have you heard of the emotional elevator? Yep – right there!


#3 – Our main barrier is ourselves

Well, we always have a choice, but that’s what I wanted to test – My willpower. So, I did it. I completed the three days without cheating, and I’m very proud of myself. I definitely challenged myself and questioned my sanity a few times, but I DID IT.

challenge yourself


And, that was the purpose of this challenge – I wanted to get as many times as possible to this moment when I usually back out. We are our own barriers – Break them!


#4 – Your mind is playing you. Be the boss of you!

There are so many things we can do, but think we can’t because our background, our fears and/or society made us believe that we can’t. Well, we can, and it’s a work-in-progress.


The main thing this juice taught me is that I’ve had many moments where when I thought about food, I couldn’t spend 10 minutes without being hungry.


But, really I wasn’t, it was just the habit of eating. I read a book, watched a movie or had a pleasant conversation with a friend, and an hour goes by. I did not think of food or remember I was hungry.


What did that say about me or my mind?


[tweet_dis]Take command of your life and tell your brain to shut up while you chase your dreams. You are the boss of you![/tweet_dis]


#5 – Push yourself – learn to be ok with being uncomfortable

challenge yourself[tweet_dis]You have a fear of heights, go climbing. You have a fear of being criticized, don’t mind the people. Do what you love even if it’s not easy.[/tweet_dis] I’m still pushing my barriers, and I hate the feeling of being uncomfortable. I’ve grown from that experience. Challenging myself is something I will continue to do, so I don’t fail myself by not pushing when necessary.


If I were not willing to do this, I would be a hypocrite to keep saying “push yourself.” I’m trying to embrace it until feeling out of my wheelhouse feels actually ok. I don’t know if I’ll succeed, but I will certainly try.




Writing a book is difficult because not only you have to write a great story, but you need to be committed. It takes a long time and a lot of efforts. There are so many barriers, so I keep pushing all the time.


I’m testing my limits and pushing myself to see how far I can go or how soon my brain will start acting up. Lots of great things happen when our mindset is wired to work for it and win. I want to be able to look at anything, without fear going in the way. I can do it; you can do it.


So, what will be your challenge?



challenge yourself
That may be one way…lol


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Book or Movie?

I’m confident that everyone will agree with me when I say more and more movies seem to be based on books. Have you ever wondered how many movies or TV Shows are indeed based on a book each year? What the percentage is? Well, if the question did not cross your mind, it certainly crossed mine, and as I suspected, the number is overwhelming.

Continue reading Book or Movie?