books I refuse to let anyone touch

Books That I Refuse to Let Anyone Touch – Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  Each week, there is a different theme that you are always welcome to customize as you wish.

Books That I Refuse to Let Anyone Touch – Top Ten Tuesday

1. Harry Potter Series

This series is dear to my heart…

2. All Sarah J. Maas’s books…

Because they are too pretty to let one wander around… LOL So every time someone looks at them, I’m turning into Gandalf. LOL

3. The rest is only because I can’t.

E-books are very hard to lend so I would say I can’t do anything about it. lol

If you are doing this meme, don’t hesitate to comment with your link. I’ll be more than happy to read it 🙂 I’m also doing another book challenge if you’re interested. Check it out! It’s called Pages Read 2019.

Join me on Goodreads!

Happy Reading!

8 thoughts on “Books That I Refuse to Let Anyone Touch – Top Ten Tuesday”

  1. I’m pretty selfish, although, I do let my kids read its books. I don’t want ANYONE touching them though without express consent. The last time I trusted someone, 200 books ended up in the trash.

    1. Oh wow! Yes, that’s why I’m careful with them. I don’t think everyone shares our love for books. They don’t care and it drives me insane.

  2. Oh I love my Harry Potter books so much, I own different copies of them (oops). I do own one boxset I have specifically to let other people use, and they are pretty worn out already.

  3. I don’t blame you for not lending out your series. I made that mistake and had to rebuy the last couple of HP books, because I never got them back. >.< I wish e-books were easier to loan or even donate. My library has a really niche collection of ebooks on Overdrive, and it'd be so much nicer if we could just pass the rights on to the library when we were done with them. I love reading ebooks, but I hate that once I'm done with them, they just exist in my Amazon account, wasting away in the ether lol.

    Here's my TTT post.

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