books I reviewed

First Ten Books I reviewed on my Blog – Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different Top 10 theme each week.  This week’s topic is First Ten Books I reviewed on my Blog. I’m a little late this week, but it has been quite a week so far.

Last week’s theme was Top 5 Rainy Day Reads, and we are back this week to discuss the first ten books I reviewed on my blog. I started my blog in January 2019, so the books are fairly recent. Click on the picture to see the review if you’re interested.

1. Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young

books I reviewed

I loved that book. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

2. Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas

books I reviewed

I love this series. I’m reading Tower of Dawn, before I start the last book. My heart will break for sure.

3. The Wrong Bachelor by Alexandra Moody

books I reviewed

This is such a cute story. I love the concept and the enemy-to-lover romance.

4. The Rule of One by Ashley Saunders and Leslie Saunders

books I reviewed

This YA dystopian is definitely a great read. I loved the idea that the twins are written by twin authors.

5. The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli

books I reviewed

I read this almost in one sitting. I loved the main character, she was flawed and she had suffered but she was also brave. I love the romance in there too.

6. You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn

books I reviewed

How much I wanted to connect with this story. It’s a good story and I know many people who loved it, but it didn’t work for me. I’m not sure why, but I would still encourage to read it. I don’t believe there was anything wrong with it. It just wasn’t for me.

7. The Rule of Many by Ashley Saunders and Leslie Saunders

books I reviewed

I really enjoyed this book. Probably even better than the first book in the series.

8. The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater

I reviewed

I absolutely adored this book and series. I loved everything about it and can’t wait to read the next series.

9. Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell

Books I reviewed

I enjoyed this story. Maybe not my favorite simply because I’m not big on sci-fi reads, but if you love The Lunar Chronicles and any space opera, I can guarantee that you are going to love this book.

10. When Summer Ends by Jessica Pennington

books I reviewed

This story stole my heart. I really enjoyed reading about the characters, their challenges and their healing in a way. I highly recommend it.

If you are doing this meme, don’t hesitate to comment with your link. I’ll be more than happy to read it 🙂 I’m also doing another book challenge if you’re interested. Check it out! It’s called Pages Read 2019.

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Happy Reading!

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