Empire Saga

Book Tour (AND Giveaway!!) – The Empire Saga Series by M. Dalto

Today marks the beginning of the Empire Saga novellas Tour! Find out more about Reylor’s Lament and Treyan’s Promise in this post, published by The Parliament House. For the occasion, the author and publisher are running a tour wide giveaway. More on this in the post.





Empire Saga Empire Saga


Today, I’m thrilled to be teaming up with The Parliament Press to share Reylor’s Lament and Treyan’s Promise from The Empire Saga Series by M. Dalto.




Empire SagaReylor’s Lament synopsis:

After being banished for questioning his own Fate, Reylor spent his years alone beyond the Borderlands, biding his time and honing his skills until the perfect moment to reclaim what he believed was his – the Empress. Through treachery and deceit, he clawed his way back into the Prophecy that all but abandoned him… but he didn’t achieve it alone. With the help of allies new and known, the former Lord Steward will stop at nothing to see to it that both the Empress, and the Empire, remain by his side once and for all.



Empire SagaTreyan’s Promise synopsis:

Treyan lived his life bound by duty and honor, believing his future as told by the Prophecy of Fire and Light. Even after he found his Empress, he felt he was doing as he was foretold and in the best interest for the Empire. But when his own brother threatens to ruin all he holds dear, Treyan discovers it’s love, and not duty or honor, that drives him to question everything he once knew.






Empire Saga


Tour Wide Giveaway:


How to enter

Click here


You can also go to The Parliament House’s Instagram page and click on the link in their bio.



One person will win both Reylor’s Lament and Treyan’s Promise digital copies.



Happy Reading!



If you are an avid reader, join me in this book challenge, Pages Read 2019.


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