How To Quit Your Crush by Amy Fellner Dominy

Book Review: How To Quit Your Crush By Amy Fellner Dominy – Entangled Teen

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Happy Publication Day to Amy Fellner Dominy!

Last year, I was lucky enough to interview the author when she released Announcing Trouble, a very cute YA Contemporary Romance I also recommend. Today, she returns with an adorable follow-up to Announcing Trouble. How To Quit Your Crush is now out in the world and is the perfect read for the summer (or quarantine – your pick! :)).

Thank you so much, Entangled Teen, for providing an e-arc. I truly enjoyed reading this story. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Synopsis – How To Quit Your Crush by Amy Fellner Dominy

How To Quit Your Crush by Amy Fellner Dominy synopsis

Mai Senn knows Anthony Adams is no good for her – no matter how hard she might crush on him. She’s valedictorian; he’s a surf bum. She’s got plans, he’s got his art. Complete opposites in every way. Vinegar and baking soda, they once joked. A chemical reaction that bubbled.

Yeah, they bubbled. Maybe still do.

Good thing Anthony’s got the perfect plan: two weeks to prove just how not good they are together. Whoever can come up with the worst date—something the other will seriously hate, proving how incompatible they truly are—wins.

Like taking a snake-phobe to the Reptile House at the zoo (his idea).

Or a cooking class where they don’t even get to eat the food (her idea).

It’s all about the competition, and it’s meant to help them finally crush their crushes. But it wasn’t supposed to be so hot. Or so fun. And when Mai’s future becomes at stake, will she be able to do the right thing and quit Anthony forever?



<strong>How To Quit Your Crush</strong> Book Cover
How To Quit Your Crush YA Romance Entangled Teen Digital

⁣I’ll have to be honest. My brain did not fully process that How To Quit Your Crush was about May, Josie’s BFF from Announcing Trouble up until the very end. LOL! I can say that this book can be read as a stand-alone. Though, I loved Announcing Trouble so much that I highly encourage to start with this one. I also realized that I failed to post my review of this book back in 2019. I will have to correct this.

How To Quit Your Crush is about Mai and Anthony, two very different characters who are fighting their attraction because they both know they’re wrong for each other. Two weeks before leaving for college or a personal trip, they decide that the attraction will and needs to fade asap. They decide to go on a series of horrible dates in hopes they will be so mad at each other that they can move on.

This laugh-out-loud romance is a bit of how to lose a guy in a very cute and inspiring way. These two characters come from different backgrounds and have different goals, but they inspire and support each other. Even in the worst situations, they manage to get the best out of it. They learn a great deal about themselves as the other makes them step out of their comfort zone.

Once more, the author made me swoon, cry, laugh. This was the perfect read to distract me from what’s happening out there. I love these types of story. I definitely recommend this book.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

About the author: Amy Fellner Dominy

How To Quit Your Crush by Amy Fellner Dominy author

Hi! I’m the author of novels for teens and tweens as well as picture books for toddlers. I love writing stories that will make you laugh, sigh, swoon…and if I break your heart I promise to patch it up by the end. 🙂 Coming May 4th in YA Romance, the follow-up to Announcing Trouble: HOW TO QUIT YOUR CRUSH. May the worst date win!

I live and sweat in Phoenix, Arizona with my hubby and a puppy who is training us.

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