Accidental by Alex Richards + Official Dream Cast – Bloomsbury Blog Tour

Happy Publication Day to Alex Richards!

Accidental, written by Alex Richards, is a contemporary novel published by Bloomsbury. This beautiful novel is now out in the world and I’m thrilled to share with you the Official Dream Cast by the author herself.

Learn more about this book. Thank you so much, Bloomsbury, for having me in this tour, and huge thank you to Alex Richards for sharing her dream cast.

Synopsis – Accidental by Alex Richards

Accidental by Alex Richards

This timely, emotionally-resonant story about a teen girl dealing with the aftermath of a tragic shooting is a must-read from an exciting new YA talent.

Johanna has had more than enough trauma in her life. She lost her mom in a car accident, and her father went AWOL when Johanna was just a baby. At sixteen, life is steady, boring . . . maybe even stifling, since she’s being raised by her grandparents who never talk about their daughter, her mother Mandy.

Then he comes back: Robert Newsome, Johanna’s father, bringing memories and pictures of Mandy. But that’s not all he shares. A tragic car accident didn’t kill Mandy–it was Johanna, who at two years old, accidentally shot her own mother with an unsecured gun.

Now Johanna has to sort through it all–the return of her absentee father, her grandparents’ lies, her part in her mother’s death. But no one, neither her loyal best friends nor her sweet new boyfriend, can help her forgive them. Most of all, can she ever find a way to forgive herself?

In a searing, ultimately uplifting story, debut author Alex Richards tackles a different side of the important issue that has galvanized teens across our country.

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Official Dream Cast by Alex Richards – Accidental

This is such a fun question, and obviously a total dream come true. It would be absolutely amazing to see ACCIDENTAL made into a Netflix movie or something. I had a lot of fun coming up with my dream cast, but if it ever were to be made into a movie, I would love it if ACCIDENTAL were able to give unknown actors their breakout role. 

Johanna Carlson – Kiernen Shipka

In ACCIDENTAL, Johanna’s idol is Debbie Harry. I picture her looking a bit like a young Debbie Harry as well–pretty, but edgy and mysterious. Going to a largely preppy school, Johanna sets herself apart by making her own clothes, wearing lots of jewelry and temporary tattoos. I think the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina star could easily pull off that vibe. 

Gabby Sinclair – Celeste O’Connor

Having just watched Selah and the Spades, I think Celeste O’Connor (who plays Paloma) would make a phenomenal Gabby. Gabby is Johanna’s whip-smart best friend. She’s on the debate team, fiercely loyal, tough, sincere, and very sarcastic. 

Leah Fromowitz – Beanie Feldstein

Leah’s character is sweet and funny and a bit new-age, always wearing her heart on her sleeve and seeing the good in people. I would love to see someone with Beanie Feldstein’s comic timing take on the role of Johanna’s funny, sometimes cloying, but always wise bestie. And, since the Shabbat dinner scene at Leah’s house is one of my favorite scenes, I’d love to see Jenny Slate making a cameo as Leah’s boisterous, wise, and nurturing mother. 

Milo Schmidt – Shawn Mendes

This was a hard one to choose, and, just to give you an idea of how old I am, my actual dream Milo would be Josh Hartnett circa The Faculty. Swoon. Okay, focus, Alex, focus. But, given today’s heartthrobs, I think Shawn Mendes is not only cute, but he’d be amazing in the sweet, sensitive, understanding, funny, protective role of Milo. 

Robert Newton – Jason Bateman

h/t to my sister for suggesting Jason Bateman, because he would be perfect. Robert basically pops up out of the blue, having been completely absent in Johanna’s life for the past 13 years. When we meet him, he seems nice. He’s a laid back tech guy, he’s friendly, talkative, interested in getting to know his daughter. Jason Bateman would be great at playing that side of Robert, but even better at tackling the real motivations behind Robert’s return to Johanna’s life. 

Annette Martinez – Sarah Jeffery

Annette is class president, captain of the debate team, the swim team, student council, etc. She’s tough and driven, and always goes the extra mile. I can really see Sarah Jeffery balancing Annette’s drive to succeed along with her inner conflict about the issue of gun violence. 

Gran & Grandpa – Rene Russo & Treat Williams

Johanna’s grandparents have been taking care of her since her mother died when she was 2 ½ years old, and they are a bit stuck in their southern ways. They think they’ve done the right thing, moving to a new town and hiding the truth from Jo, but when the truth comes out they close themselves off rather than opening up. They may be misguided, but they love Jo a lot. Rene Russo as Gran would be the perfect southern Baptist with her somewhat frosty concern for appearances, while someone like Treat Williams would compliment/counteract her distance with a bit of simple southern charm.

About the author: Alex Richards

Alex Richards
Alex Richards

Alex Richards is a young adult author and freelance magazine contributor. She is a terrible navigator (just ask the African jungle she got lost in) but makes up for it with a dark sense of humor and home-made horror films. Raised in New Mexico, she and her family live in Brooklyn.  |  @alexgirlnyc 


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